twenty seven.

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Iseul walks in the hallway as she can feel all eyes on her. The accident really spread like a wildfire among students. The good thing is no one is hating her but.. the bad thing is everyone is blaming Jaeyun for it. She can't imagine how much hate he got since people found out about what happened. Just when she thought about him, Jaeyun walks out of the classroom and his eyes meet her. They're looking into each other's eyes before he breaks eye contact first and walks away. Iseul is taken aback because Jaeyun had never done this but it's understandable with the situation they're having right now.

It would be a lie if she said she didn't worry about him but it's painful for her too. It's her first time in a relationship. She puts all her trust in Jaeyun. Just because of one mistake could break the trust she was building the whole time.

"Let's go somewhere after school," He says when he notices her zoning out and not touching her food.

"To where..?" Iseul looks at Jungwon while he's touching his chin as if he's thinking of something.

"You will know soon~" He laughs and takes another bite of the bread.

Just like what he said, he brings Iseul somewhere and it's the amusement park. Iseul's eyes sparkled with excitement since it's been awhile since she had been in here. Jungwon pulls her with him and they walk around to see what kind of rides they should go on first. They enter the shop, taking a look at all the cute things. Jungwon picks the rabbit ear headbands and places it on her head then he takes another one to put on his.

"Wah! Don't you think I look cute?" He looks at the mirror, admiring himself.

"Hahaha.. you are, but I think the cat ear headbands suit you better."

"Really? Then I should wear that one!" Jungwon tosses the one he was wearing away and wears the cat ear headbands. He nods his head, agreeing to what Iseul said. He looks cuter with this!

"Now, let's enjoy the day!" Jungwon smiles, holding her hand and they walk out from there.

Iseul stares at their hands before she slowly pulls it away from Jungwon's grip. Jungwon turns to look at her, "What's wrong, Iseul?"

"I just don't think it's necessary to hold hands. Don't you think so?" After all, she's still Jaeyun's girlfriend.

"Oh, sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"Bro, you look depressed.." Heeseung said as soon as he entered the classroom. He saw his best friend staring outside the window. He has been acting like that since morning and it kinda worries Heeseung.

"Iseul hates me.. she hates me.. I promised that I would never hurt her but I did.." Jaeyun covered his face as he cried. "I swear I really didn't do anything with Aera, Heeseung! You believe me, don't you?"

Heeseung sighs, "I trust you but it doesn't mean Iseul will trust you too. She's your girlfriend and girls are very sensitive especially when they're in relationships. I just think it's ridiculous. There's no way you would do something that nasty, knowing how innocent you are.. I mean.. have you ever watched adult movies?"

"W-What? You're out of the topic! And no.. I can't watch something illegal. We're still minor," He glared when Heeseung laughed at his response.

"See? It's just a hunch but I think someone set you up. There's a chance it would be Aera knowing she's interested in you.. hm?"

Jaeyun gets up, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Heeseung frowned. He followed Jaeyun outside, wondering what's in his mind.

WRONG CONFESSION ,, 재윤 ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora