"Come on."

"I didn't mean for her to see that..." He lifted her hand and kissed it.

"What is wrong about expressing what we feel?" She looked away.

"Nothing." He pulled her off of her bed.

"Do you still feel bad about it?" She pulled away and went to her drawer to get a headband. Doubling it up, she pulled her hair into a ponytail. She felt hands slide around her waist. He sighed against her shoulder.

"I'm not ashamed... it's just..."

"I understand. I'll be more careful." He smiled and slid fingers in between hers. She smiled at his playful expression as he led her backwards down the hall.

"You might want to turn around before you fall." He chuckled and kept her hand pressed against his back as he pulled her down the stairs.


A moment of peace. A moment of freedom. That was all they asked for. And without anyone in the way, they could love each other with almost wild abandon. They tried to soak up the last of the sunny weather before the cold truly set in. They raced the seagulls and challenged the waves. They allowed the sunlight to stream through their fingers and create a feeling so warm it rivaled the sun itself. Laughter connected the stars at night. And with the wind came the day he was born. That day was the one she was most thankful for.


"Happy birthday Iwase!" He smiled as the people most dear to him surrounded him. They had all made a collection of foods and bentos, even sprinkling in some sweets.

"Thank you everyone. This is very kind." Everyone smiled and laughed.

"Are you going to cry Iwase? Please don't let Rae be the only one who sees your emotion." Her friend Momo said with a grin. It was true. His eyes were filling up with tears and he hung his head. Such kindness. No one had ever cared as much for the day he was brought into life. No one but his grandmother. But now, he had so many people who truly loved and cared for him.

"Aw Roto, come on." He felt Rae's hand gently caress his cheek and lift his head. A tear fell and they all hugged him at one time, almost making him fall out of the chair.

"Don't cry Iwase!"

"Yeah, it's okay!"

"You don't have to be alone anymore! We'll all here for you!" He smiled and everyone other than Rae and Tobu blinked in shock. A true genuine smile, something so rarely done in his life.

"Whoa. You look like a totally different person when you smile."

"Ah, so handsome! Look at that joy!"

"Atta boy. No tears Iwase." He laughed softly and nodded. They smiled.

"Well, are you going to eat all this food we made you?"

"Yes." He sighed happily and picked up his hashi. Rae pressed a kiss to his forehead and sat down next to Aiko. Tobu sat next to him with a happy grin on his face.

"You deserve all the happiness in the world Hiroto-kun. I hope we have made your day special." He smiled, mouth full of food. Indeed they had.


"I believe you had a request for your birthday?" They all sat on the beach, a bonfire crackling in the midst of them. He looked up at Rae who stood in front of him.

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