54. {gioia's prime}

Start from the beginning

sam charged forward, her leg aiming for gioia's stomach. in a circular movement, gioia redirected her kick. sam threw two punches towards her shoulder, gioia pushed her hands back, the second push being harder made sam stumble. noticing she had lost her balance, gioia twisted her body around and then spun her right leg into the girl's shoulder. sam quickly found herself on the mat at the blow.

"point! two-zero. barbusca."

"you're doing amazing, gb!"

"eli! you're rooting for the wrong team."

the boy held his hands up in defence, "but she's my girlfriend."

sam got up, groaning in aggravation. she glanced over to her dad, who smiled at her, and then to johnny, who did the same. finding a newfound confidence, sam was ready for the new round.

"ready? fight!"

without reluctance, sam had pivoted herself around and stuck gioia's cheek with her flying tornado kick. the crowd began to cry out at the remarkable move.

"point, miyagi-do! two-one. go to your senseis."

gioia strolled over to her team, cupping her aching face with her hands. "this is what happens when you and daniel swap students." she groaned.

"yes, i taught her things. but as much as i hate to say it, larusso taught you stuff too - i've seen the way you've been defending." johnny said to her. "just keep doing what you're doing."

"got it."

"you've got this." miguel placed his hands on her shoulders. "this is your prime, all right? go! go on."

"on your marks."

gioia scurried back to her position on the mat and placed herself into her fighting stance.

"ready? and fight."

gioia struck first this time, rushing forward and roundhouse kicking sam in the face. sam put her hands on her cheek, just in time to prevent the impact. she stumbled back but she stayed firm on her feet.

"no point, block. continue."

sam came forward and the two began a routine of sam punching her and gioia blocking them. sam then placed one hand on gioia's shoulder, the other on her arm and flipped her onto the ground.

in seconds, gioia pushed herself back onto her feet with a kip up. this caught sam by surprise, as she was ready to finish the round and earn her point. gioia took some steps back and rushed forward into a flying side kick but sam pushed her leg away, making her roll onto the side. she then punched the blonde in the stomach.

"point, miyagi-do! two-two." the referee called out, making gioia slam her fists onto the mat in vexation. she pulled herself onto the ground and got into her position.

"ready? and fight!"

without hesitation, gioia moved forward, sam went to throw a punch, but gioia caught her fist. she twisted the girl's arm to the side and kicked her in the stomach. the brunette's body collided back on the ground, gioia extended her leg and struck her opponent's chest with the heel of her foot.

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now