"you do" the dragon said, i was so going to regret this, but i climbed up onto the saddle on her back

"hold on" she said, and not even a second later she skyrocketed into the air

"olympus, this is delta-one, i have two civilians who need immediate evac, one is a mystic, over" 

"a civie mystic, your joking" the dragons comms said, which all three of us could here i assume this was to allow her rider into the conversation if she had one

"he's a powerful one, the capital will want to know about him, his art took down a crawler on it's own, with no support" the dragon said

"one moment, delta-one...... your serious, he may be a mystic, but he has no training" the comms said, i sighed, i bloody knew it

"delta-one, your to take the civie mystic into combat with you, we need all the help we can get and this order comms from the marshal himself" the comms said

"we have an child with us, she needs to be dropped off, neither of us will be able to fight effectively if we have her" the dragon argued

"we see a point, three clicks east is a civilian point, we have legionnaires guarding it" 

"okay and my would be rider looked to be in his teens" the dragon said

"if you didn't want him in the fight, you shouldn't have brought up his ability" the comms said

"damn it" the dragon said, as she turned comms off

"to hell with them, i won't expect you to fight a conflict you have no part in" the dragon said, as she flew to the location, finding a squad of drones guarding a building, i got off the dragon and escorted the girl inside

"meredith" a relieved voice said as woman ran up to her

"mummy" the little girl excitedly said, as she was hugged by the woman

"thank you, so much for rescuing her" the woman said

"it was the right thing to do" i said, i then looked up at the sky, i had time to think while we flew here

"i need your strength, unit-13" i muttered, as i concentrated on summoning the EVA outright, and to my pleasant surprise it worked as the EVA appeared in all it's splendor

"titan, olympus, this is delta-one, titan has been sighted, repeat titan has been sighted" the dragon said

"shit" unit-13 rose to it's feet

"sorry if unit-13, gave you a scare i wasn't sure if it would appear for me, upon command" i said

"wait, i recognize that voice, your the teen that crushed that walker, this is your power, the ability to manifest a titan" she asked shocked

"not exactly, first it's actually an evangelion, i have a feeling there are some major differences between it and a titan, secondly, the moment i activate it i will have five-minutes, can i count on your support" i asked

"you'll actually fight for us" she asked

"i have run away, from all my battles, i won't be running from this one" i said, the dragon nodded, internally she was smiling

"delta-one to all dragoon units, friendly titan is entering combat, repeat friendly titan, do not attack purple titan, he's on our side" the dragon said

"can you confirm this delta-one" a male voice said

"i can, beta-one, i let it's controller onto my back, after he smashed a walker and saved a little girl, friendly titan can only function for five-minutes, after which the handler will need evac-support, copy" 

"understood, delta-one, i look forward to seeing what this new friendly titan can do" beta-one responded

"on my mark, the friendly titan will begin it's advance" delta-one said, she cut comms before turning to what she was told was referred to as an evangelion

"ready" she asked

"EVA unit-13 standing by" i replied

"delta-one to all units, friendly titan, codename EVA is away, repeat codename EVA is away" the dragon said, and on her queue unit-13 took off running towards the battlefield, the dragoons were in awe as they watched, codename EVA rip through the enemy like paper, in an incredibly savage and brutal fashion, but like clockwork, after exactly five minutes were up, unit-13 stopped moving altogether before straight up vanishing, delta-one immediately flew in to catch it's falling controller

"thanks, i did really know what to expect when it shutdown" i called out the dragon gave out it's interpretation of a chuckle, as she set him down on the ground, he collapsed breathing heavily, she immediately shifted, into a beautiful woman, with white hair that comes down to her upper back

"you alright" she asked

"i didn't know what to expect when i attempted to summon, unit-13, it's a foreign power, and i have very little experience with that particular EVA and now since we are linked, i guess it tired me out" i said, as i breathed out

"well, your EVA has won the battle for our side, so i for one am grateful, i am lysseilia of house telivyria, i am a lieutenant in the archonis kingdom navy of the pegasus galaxy" she said as she held out her hand, i paused as i realized i had a new opportunity

"fuyuhito, shinosuke fuyuhito, designated pilot of EVA unit-01 " i replied, in that moment i decided i would make a new name for myself, as i shook her hand

"a pleasure to meet you, do you mind if i call you fuyuhito" she asked

"go ahead" i replied

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