Let The Golden Orange Rays Guide You To Your Destiny Part 3

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The Sun was above her—and so were the other planets. The Moon was a planet, right? Why did she feel like Dana would be annoyed if she suggested that? Her chair was made of gold, which suited her. Checking out the ornamentation on the chair with the gold leaf and the carved roaring lions clutching suns beneath their claws, it fit someone of her standards. A carved symbol of the glyph of Leo and below that, a circle with a dot in the middle like her amulet.

The Sun, her mind supplied her, that's the Sun.

She checked out the other two chairs beside her. One of them was silver with a crescent moon below circles with curved tails. Cancer, her mind told her, this is Cancer. The other one was made of carbon with a sickle below the letter M with a loop. Virgo, her mind informed her. The chair directly in front of her was platinum. Surprisingly, she wasn't in an elevated position, nor were any of the chairs. She wished she was at the head of the table and able to direct the other eleven members of this table. Unfortunately, the table was perfectly round and decorated with stars. It looked beautiful too.

She tried to rearrange all of the chairs and grabbed a spare ottoman to put her golden chair on top, but the golden chair was too large and kept falling backwards. She kept trying though and conceded defeat after the fiftieth attempt. All twelve chairs were switched back to their original positions. Chiara noticed a wooden door decorated with flowing white squares with Chinese characters inked in red. Opening it led to a nearly identical room with twelve chairs and a square table. Two of the chairs were elevated, she noticed, one made of wood and one made of a pearlescent material with a jade chair sitting in the middle. She was drawn to the electrum chair sitting between an obsidian chair and a white gold chair. That chair was marked with unreadable Chinese characters. The ceiling wasn't stars like in the other room, but animals in a circle. There were twelve intricately carved animals, and she paid special attention to the monkey.

She blinked, and the rooms became combined. There was no door or wall in between them, but there was a window with opaque dark curtains. She moved back the curtains and peered through the glass window.

There was nothing behind the curtains, and nothingness reigned supreme outside the room.

She gazed into the void,

And the void gazed back.

The floor beneath her began to break and she screamed as she, the chairs, the furniture, and the rooms fell into an endless and infinite void. Her feet were unravelling, unspooling into golden light and orange motes that flitted before her eyes. Chiara tried grabbing onto the golden chair, only for that to dissolve into the abyss. She continued screaming until her mouth finally unspooled into balls of light.

The King falls to her doom. A voice boomed in her mind. Without your crown, your sword, your sceptre, your heart, what are you? A bright-eyed performer? No, you are nothing. Without your regalia, your royal trappings, you are worth not even a speck of dust.

She had no mouth to refute that statement, and soon she had no mind. All of it...all was dust in an eternal and hungry void...

"Chiara! Can you hear me?!"

"How is this possible? The human body needs the heart, which is an essential organ needed for life. This is impossible by medical standards—"

"This body isn't human, it's a faulty assumption."

"I can read her thoughts now, Helen's idea worked."

Chiara found dancing lights above her head. "What happened?"

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