Yellow Kites In A Tornado Of Our Own Making Part 2

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Yellow, that was all she saw. Yellow flowers stretched into the horizon, yellow wispy hair tangled in front of her eyes, and a yellow kite trailed in the springtime breeze. Leaves swirled around her, green, yellow, and red, as she sprinted across the field. There was someone in the distance, slightly out of view. She could only make out hair the colour of daffodils in two neat little braids, and a hand pulling the same kite that followed her. Her legs were stubby, and she called for the other girl in a child's voice.

"Wait for me!"

The other girl's laughter sounded from across the small hill. "You better catch up!"

She ran faster, towards the sound of the other girl. The sky above was free of clouds, with only a small grey orb in the sky. Catching up, she found herself, or a girl that looked identical to her when she was a child. Blond hair that had darkened to a light brown in adulthood, baby fat that has been long gone, a bubbly smile that transformed into a quick smirk. The only differences between this girl and her childhood self were the yellow eyes and the medallion hanging from her neck.

"What did you want to show me?" She asked. The words were not her own.

"Watch this!" At once, the girl cupped her hands. Waiting for a few seconds, she removed her hand to reveal a miniature spinning tornado in her hands.

"Wow! That's so cool!" The voice was a child's voice, innocent and carefree.

"I know right?" The other girl threw it into the air. "Now we have more wind for the kites!"

The mature part of the girl was sure something was going to go wrong, but the childlike part of her wanted nothing more than to see the kites fly higher in the sky.

They did, and spectacularly at that. The girl noticed that the only difference between the two kites is the colour of the ribbons: black for her, and white for the other girl. She looks down. Black shoes and white shoes. Both of them are wearing yellow, one in pants and the other in a loose-fitting dress. Their hair was whipping in the wind, but they didn't care.

Who was the other girl though? An inkling of a recollection tried to force itself into her mind, but no recollection came forth. Did she meet her before in her childhood? Why do they look identical? These and more questions swirled in her mind.

The tornado increased in strength, and she felt her feet slowly lifting from the ground. Before long, the kite string drew taut, and the girl is swept into the air, hanging onto the kite. She wasn't scared though, for she knew in her heart that she would not die in this tornado. The other girl called out to her, but the words were too faint...

She awoke with a pounding headache and a pillow underneath her head. Instantly, she moved her head only to immediately yell in pain. Her entire body ached and all the girl accomplished was rolling over onto the floor. Someone was kind enough to bring her briefcase back. How much time has passed? She was moved to her hotel room, and someone had the decency to give her a cup of coffee. There was a note on the floor, so the girl stretched and grabbed it. Unfolding it, she noted that the note was in English.

To Thomasin (Yes, I did have a look at your wallet, don't freak out),

The girl stared at the note, was about to get mad, and realized she would have done the same thing. She continued reading, admiring the calligraphy of her mysterious saviour.

Let me begin by saying that I am sorry I ignored you while you were being tossed by

the storm outside. I had pressing concerns on my mind, and I did not intend for you

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