Conceal don't feel

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Izuku groaned as he heard his alarm start ringing next to him in bed. Despite the greenette needing to get up and ready for the school day, he didn't budge for another few minutes; the bed being way too warm and cozy... Minutes passed when finally he had to get up whether he wanted to or not. With a determined sigh, Izuku swung his legs over the side of the bed, shuddering at the sudden freezing floor beneath his feet. I should ask the school's building staff to implement heaters under my floor... Izuku thought, while quickly tiptoeing his way over to his closet to gather his school uniform.

Once he had all the pieces of his uniform, he put everything on, starting with the pants; a pair of simple dark cyan pants, with a leather belt to go with it. Next, he put on the white button-up shirt, struggling a bit with the buttons as usual. On top of the white shirt, he put on the school's most recognizable uniform piece: the gray blazer with matching cyan accents on the shoulders. Last but not least, the red tie, which today, Izuku tied more loosely than normal.

Before putting on his shoes, the greenettes gaze lingered on the All Might action figure on his desk; a constant reminder of the commitment he made when accepting to succeed the number one hero. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Izuku finally headed down to the cafeteria for some breakfast.

Upon arriving at the cafeteria, Izuku was quick to spot his group of friends sitting over by what they called the plant corner; a small table group placed in between lots of big plant pots filled with bonsai trees. Despite it being a weird placement for the plants to only be there and nowhere else, Izuku and his friends had taken a liking to the corner, and always ended up sitting there, making it simple to find each other in the huge cafeteria.

"Good morning Deku, did you sleep well?" Ururaka asked, handing him an already buttered sandwich, which he greatly accepted.

"Yeah, I slept fine." He responded, nibbling the sandwich he'd just received. "Though, like always it was difficult to get up when the alarm went off so I kinda dozed off again..." Ururaka chuckled, not even surprised by what he'd said. She knew him well enough by now to know the greenette wasn't exactly a morning person.

"Did you guys hear that we have patrol duty this afternoon? It's been like ages since we had it last, Im so excited!" Momo chirped; the other agreeing with her excitement. It was true, it had been a very long time since they last had patrol duty, and Izuku couldn't help feeling just as anticipated as his friends. An afternoon of just wandering around the city, helping anyone who needed help big or small. The greenette chuckled, remembering last time they had patrol work, he'd ended up helping an older man put up a sign outside his shop. While the man held the screws, Izuku worked hard to mount the big sign on the wall.

It had been a simple patrol, and the old man was very grateful that the greenette had helped him.

"Guys, we're gonna be late if we don't go now," Todoroki muttered, heaving himself up from his seat. The others took one look at the time, and hurried after him, arriving in the classroom with mere minutes to spare. The classroom was already buzzing with conversations and the shuffling of desks as the class prepared for the day's lessons. Izuku's gaze quickly scanned the room, locating an empty seat next to Iida. Taking his seat, Iida gave him a small smile, relieved to know that the greenette wasn't late to class, which he'd been one too many times the past month. Returning the smile, Izuku got distracted and his gaze continued across the classroom walls, adorned with training schedules, hero posters, and occasional doodles reflecting the dynamic personalities of his diverse class.

It was a comforting sight and a reminder of just how much he liked being at UA.

When his attention finally made it back to his surroundings, Izuku heard his classmates discussing their quirks and sharing stories of recent hero escapades. Mina's cheerful laughter, Kirishima's boisterous greetings, and Uraraka's friendly waves created a lively backdrop to the classroom's pre-lesson buzz.

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