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"Fuck guys I miss him!" Isa said.

"I know baby, but he's a scumbag that isn't gonna get anywhere in life." Lei said.

"He's a fucking lawyer!" Isa shrieked.

"True but-" Lei started.

"Ugh!" Isa groaned.

We all looked at eachother, Isabel was so hard to comfort and she was making it so difficult for everybody to talk to her.

"We're going out." Mia said, standing up.

"I don't feel well. I'm staying here." Isa replied.

"No the fuck you aren't!" Lei said, pulling Isa up.

"Follow me." Mia said.

We all got up and followed after Mia who was walking toward her car. She stopped and got in the driver's seat while Leilana sat in the passenger seat and I sat with Mia in the back.

Mia started the car and pulled up some directions on her phone, I didn't know where she was taking us but she knows the best spots so I trusted her to take us somewhere good. I looked in the rearview mirror to see Leilana staring at me and smiling. I gave her a confused look at then she turned her head so everyone could see her.

"Did you guys know that Skyla is seeing someone?" Leilana said.

"Lei!" I shrieked.

"What?!" Mia called out.

Isabel immediately looked up. She was always so interested in my love life and was always pushing me to meet new guys. I never wanted anything to do with men and love so she was always disappointed and eventually gave up on trying to get me a date. But a smile appeared on her face when she heard what Leilana said.

"Excuse you?" Isa smirked.

I covered my face with my hands because I was blushing so much.

"Yeah, he has curls and he's super muscular." Lei said.

"Great description Lei, sounds like every other man." Isa rolled her eyes.

"What's his name Sky?" Mia said.

Mia was confused because she knew that I would tell her first if I was ever seeing a man.

"Mia it's Melo." I finally said.

"What!!??" Mia screamed.

"Wait, that was the basketball player?!" Leilana said.

Everyone's eyes were wide and they were all staring at me. Even Isabel.

Mia pulled into a parking lot outside of a gas station and turned her whole body around to look at me.

"Give us details!" Mia shrieked.

"Nothing happened! I just stayed the night at his house. Nothing I haven't done before." I rolled my eyes.

"You've slept over there before?!" Lei asked.

"Yeah but nothing happens!" I lied.

"Is that a hickey on your neck?" Isa said, smiling.

Fuck. Of course she had to point out the hickey in front of everyone, such a perfect time as well.

"Oh shit, it is!" Lei screamed.

"What?? Where?!" I said.

I immediately grabbed out my phone and swiped to the camera. I saw a big red hickey on the lower part of my neck. I was embarrassed because I remembered the moment so clearly. I loved it but I kind of wish the mark didn't stay.

MY EYES || LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now