376 8 2

3 months later





"Hello?" She said.

"Where are you? I got here ten minutes ago!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry I'll be there any minute now." She replied.

I hung up the call and waited under a tree. I was at the beach and it was 97 degrees fahrenheit and I was waiting for Skyla to come because she had all of our beach chairs. She had Amelia in the car with her and I took Gelo with me. Gelo was currently in the bathroom taking a big shit and I had to wait in the sun.

Eventually her car pulled up and I walked over to her. Gelo walked out and followed me toward the car. 

"Babe you took so long." Gelo said.

"Sorry!" She laughed.

I rolled my eyes at them. Gelo and Mia got together about a month ago, now they're all over each other. 

"Hey." Skyla said, walking up to me.

"Hey." I replied. 

"I wish two really strong NBA players could help carry all of the stuff onto the beach right now." Skyla said, eyeing Gelo and I.

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, fine we'll take the stuff." Gelo said.

"I never agreed to that!" I exclaimed.

"You're gonna be fine." Gelo rolled his eyes.

I groaned and walked over to Skyla's car to grab all of the stuff. Gelo and I were carrying the stuff onto the beach while Skyla and Mia were slightly ahead of us talking. 

"You're such a cougar Gelo." I stated.

"It's a 3 year difference Melo, get over it." He said.

"It's basically a 4 year difference." I rolled my eyes.

Mia turned 22 a few weeks ago and they think it's a 3 year difference between them, when it's literally a 3 and a half year difference which rounds up to 4.

"Bae, you look so good." Gelo said, walking toward Mia.

She grinned at him and kissed him. 

"Y'all are so cute." Skyla said.

I didn't think they were cute, I thought they were annoying

We set the stuff down and I could feel the sweat running down my chest.

"I'm getting in the water before I'm drenched in sweat." I said.

I took my shirt off and placed it on the chairs that we set up.

"Put on sunscreen." Gelo said, throwing the bottle at me.

"Ow!" I shrieked. "You hit me!"

Gelo was laughing at me and I was getting ready to beat his ass.

I grabbed the sunscreen bottle, squirting out the cream onto my hands. I lathered it on my chest and face. 

"You need to get it on your back as well." Skyla stated.

"Well can you do it for me?" I said.

"So sassy." She laughed.

She walked over to me and was spreading the cream on me. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel anything.

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