
Start from the beginning

Walking into the market. The alpha gave his mate a nod when he looked at him in question, and after receiving his alpha's approval, the omega wafted from one stall to the next. The alpha walks silently behind, making sure that he buys everything that the omega touches,asks about, or just looks at. If the omegas eyes linger on a snack or cake, he would buy it and give it to his omega, which in turn rewarded him with a beautiful shy smile on his face.

They stopped at a fruit stall, that's being managed by an old lady. The omega reached out to ask the price of a basket of loquast when the old lady suddenly spoke.

"Congratulations, young masters. How far along are you?."

She said as she looked between the two young masters but only saw sadness on their faces.

"You must be mistaken, aunty. I am not pregnant. "

The omega said with a sad voice, and the alpha pulled him close to him and soothingly rubbed his mates back. The action had not escaped the old lady's gaze nor had the sad tone escaped her ears.

"I see."

The old lady said thoughtfully before she extended her hands on front of her. They both looked at her notion confusion evident on their faces.

"Please, young master if you would indulge this old woman. Can I hold your hands for a moment. I promise I won't do anything funny."

The old woman said with a soft, reassuring smile on her face. The omega looked at his alpha, and he nodded his head. Why does he feel the need to trust a complete stranger he does not know, and yet he knows that he can somehow. The omega placed his hands in that of the old woman, and she gently took it. She gave him one last smile before she closed her eyes.

The omega felt a warmness going through his body as a light appeared around both their hands. He slowly started to relax, and the alpha felt the same warmth rushing through him through their bond. It lasted for a minute or two before the old lady opened her eyes and let go of the omegas' hands. The warmness lingered a bit longer within both of them as the old woman watched them with a sterness in her eyes.

"May I speak freely young masters?."

She asked, and both of them nodded their heads. She cleared her throat before she spoke.

"Young Master you are indeed carrying a pup that I can assure the both of you."

She looked at their shocked faces, and she saw a sadness take over the shock as they looked from her to each other. The pain is so evident on their faces that it took the old woman by suprise, and yet she knew exactly what had brought on that pained look on their faces.

"If you wish to keep your pup, I can help. I can send you far away from this place and this world to somewhere you will live in peace and raise your pup as you should and not give him or her to your brother and mate."

She stopped at that and let her words sink in as the two looked at her with twin wide eyes.

"But we can't even if.. even if we wanted to. We promised Lan Zhan. We promised."

The omega could not say the words that would break him. That will torn his heart out, and his alpha kept his eyes on the old woman. His eyes got a determined look.

"Wei Ying, I won't be able to live with that. Watch how they take away our pup that we created not out of duty but love. I know you can't either watch them take away our pup."

He spoke softly but with determination in his voice. If this is a way to take his mate away from here. Away from them. Then, he will gladly do it to hell with the consequences.

"Lan Zhan, you know that it will break me. But the alliance."

Lan Zhan laid his finger on Wei Ying's lips, silencing him, and Wei Ying gave him a confused looked but Lan Zhan turned his attention back to the old woman.

"They will come for your pup. They will even go so far as to kill the both of you to get what they want. Your brother and uncle are weaklings. They do not even know who they have in their midst. They do not deserve your loyalty. Not the Lan or the Jiang, and you know that I am right. To the east, just outside the border a few miles in. There is a place called The Safe Haven. You will be safe there. Behind my stall is a boat. You can leave right this instance. "

The old woman spoke, and the alpha nodded his head in understanding.

"Then go before your tale spots the both of you. Go everything you will need are already been taken care off."

She said as she urged them to move. Lan Zhan took Wei Ying's hand in his, and with one last look behind them, he saw the white robes coming their way, and he steered his mate in the direction of the boat the old lady points out to him. Once he spotted the boat, he quickly helped his mate onto it, and then they turned and bowed in gratitude towards the old woman.

She nods her head as she sends a small energy ball towards the boat, and it attached itself to the back of the boat and the two who came out of their bow sat down as the boat started to move and soon they were on their way. The old woman turns and walks back to her stall and sits down on the stool just as the two lan disciples nears the stall. Asking them if they wish to buy any of her fruits, the two shook their heads no and instead asked if she had seen two young masters in Lan robes. She shook her head no.

They thanked the old woman and lifted their faces as their eyes scanned the crowds and then the river looking if the two were on any of the boats on the river. But all they saw was boats coming in and none going out. The boat, the young alpha and omega, were on rounded a bend just as the two disciples roams once more over the river. They quickly turn on their heels, and once thanks the old woman before resuming their searched.

Once they were gone, the old woman stood up and straightened her robes before she moved out from behind the stall. She lingered awhile longer, watching the two disciples looking for the two young masters and asking every vendor and person in the market if they had seen the two young men. Her eyes ventured from the two disciples towards the mountain, and a small smile came across her face before she started to walk in the direction of a nearby alley. As soon as she enters the alley, a white light surrounds her, and just like that, she disappeared.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were lulled to sleep, not knowing that a sleeping spell were cast over them. Pulling a warm fluffy blanket over the both of them. The alpha pulled his omega within his embrace, and they both fell asleep a peaceful one at that. They did not know that when they woke up again that they would have reached their destination. Their place of hope and new beginnings. A place where they can raise their pup as a family. A place where they would eventually face their fears and turn those fears into their greatest weapons.

In this place, they will discover what it means to be part of a real family. What is means to be excepted and be loved without any expectations. They will learn new things and except and embrace them. They will learn that through communication that they can over come and conquer anything and anyone. Here they will finally love each other as it was always meant to be. Their fates have always been entwined throughout generations.

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