A HOUSE Divided PT2

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five days later, the group rests along a wide river while Clementine spies a large lodge and a bridge. Luke looks up from the map

Luke : see anything?

Alvin: she better see something. We've been walking for a damn week

Carlos: we got to find some shelter.

Clementine: there's the bridge.

Izuku: does it look passable?

Clementine: I think so

Luke smiles : good

Clementine: there's a little house by the bridge.

Carlos: how big is it ?

Clementine: it's pretty small, I also see a lift or something

Pete: chair lift? We'll I'll be that ski resort.

Clementine: I've never been skiing.

Duck: same

Alvin: Bec and I went once.

Rebecca: it wasn't pretty.

Izuku chuckles: anything else Clem?

Clementine: there's a building on the mountain.

Luke : what's it look like?

Clementine: it's big.

Luke looks at the group they like the idea

Luke : that sounds like a good place to spend the night.

Clementine puts up the binoculars Duck sits next to Sarah reading comics Carlos crosses he's arms

Carlos: we have to cross that bridge, let's go.

Luke: hold on. We can't all go sprinting across that thing, okay? If we get spotted out there, we're gonna be trapped.

Carlos: going around that lake Will take too long.

Luke : right but... Look we've got no idea who's out there. Okay, I'm gonna sneak across and make sure it's clear before we bring the whole group over.

Carlos: you think splitting up the group is a good idea?

Luke : I never said it was a GOOD idea. But it's better than risking every one at once.

Alvin: what's your plan?

Luke : Clementine, izuku and I can scout across low and slow and make sure nobody's waiting for us on the other side.

Alvin: will have a tough time covering you from back here.

Luke : well, we'll just turn back if it gets Harry.

Carlos: Clementine should stay here, she's...

Izuku: she's just what Carlos?

He said glaring at the man

Carlos: she's just a little girl and your risking her life that's all I'm saying!

Luke : hey she's a valuable little girl I mean , hell if she sew up her own arm, she's fit to cross a bridge.

Alvin: he's got a point

Izuku: and I'll have their back I'm good shot .

Clementine: I can do it .

Luke : see no problem, it's gonna be fine. Okay? We'll signal you guys in ten minutes. Just watch for a light at the far side

Nick: I can go too.

Luke : you stay with the group.

Nick was about to argue until he felt a hand punch he's arm he looks down seeing duck with smile big

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