We Never Stop Fighting

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"This is it guys," Omega told them as they put on their weapons and helmets, "the missions you have all been trained for. A skirmish between the Rebellion and the Imperial Forces has emerged on the planet of Ringo Vinda. We are to go there and assist the Rebel Alliance. Have you been briefed on your duties?"

"Yes, sir." Hawke replied, steadfast as ever. "I am to stay inside to prepare any strategies if needed, Christa and Kolton are part of the ground assault while Keilara and Mohamed are to lead the airstrikes."

"Excellent. As per my orders, I am to initially lead the airstrikes but once I've done the first two lapses, I have to land and aid the land attack."

"That's not comforting," Mohamed snickered.

"Do you want to die before going to the battlefield? I can have it arranged for you," Omega shot back, cracking a grin at the end of it.

"It better be painless," he replied, dodging and dashing out before Omega could whack him with her helmet.

"Don't worry guys," Keilara spoke, out of nowhere, "we'll be back and safe. I know it. We'll be of service to the Republic, and we'll help it win. We'll get medals even. What I know is that this is another mission we'll nail." She encouraged everybody. "Now get that sorry look off your faces. You were trained for this, were you not? Get useful for Force sakes."


"Alpha Squadron, approaching Ringo Vinda," Omega said, getting ready to bomb the Imperials. The Empire who took away her brothers from her. Now was the time to make them proud.

"Ready, Alpha Leader," ten responses chimed in at the same time. Out of instincts, Omega tried to glance over her shoulder to scan for her two squad-mates.

"NOW! Formation one!" Omega gave the order, and the squad formed themselves into a V-shape, going as close as they can to the land and landing the bombs on the incoming AT-ATs. While returning, they blasted as many Imperial TIE-Fighters as they encountered, losing successfully no pilots in the skirmish. In the second one, Omega told the fighters to divide, three taking out the fighters, three flying and bombing the AT-ATs, two blasting the Imperial Command Center's communication towers, while the remaining one was told to be on the lookout and alert or engage any incoming fighters.

All of a sudden, the Imperials rearranged. Omega, who had now landed, found this to be highly odd. She was afraid to know what may come next.

In five minutes, the answer to her unspoken query was revealed. Some sort of contraption came out, and when it began launching, the mouth opened up and blue electricity sparkled out. Some force field emanated, and all the ships lost power. They began falling to the ground like flies.

"Get the power back on!" Omega yelled, frantically searching for a way to stop this massacre.

"On it," Luke Skywalker, one of the prominent officers of the Alliance, called back and went to the machinery, slashing at it with his lightsaber. But the time it took him to get there cost the  multiple lives, and even then, he could only disrupt the power absorption for just ten minutes.

Omega ran to the falling planes, watching in horror as the machinery and their pilots plummeted to the ground and bursting into flames. She scanned the ground to see medics running with stretchers. She found two, one had a very badly wounded Mohamed while one stretcher held Keilara, but only-

No. That can't be true.

Kei can't be so still. She is supposed to be running, energized, cracking laughs, finding ways to blast the enemy, but here she is. The girl who she once scooped from the water tank, was now still as death.

Because she had embraced death.

Omega didn't even get a chance to properly say goodbye. Now she could only whisper some words of love as she closed her pupil's eyes, feeling the weight of one life on her, seeing her bloodstained face, knowing it will haunt her for the rest of her life.

These kids were trained to die in battle.

"What do we do now?" Kolton asked her, his voice mourning.

Omega stood up, strong. Kei's last words rang strongly in her brain.

She had lost her brothers because she was too young, or because it was out of her power then. But she'll not lose another squad today. She will not let death win today.

It had been years since she was left all alone, and she would not let history repeat itself.

Kei didn't die to sentence the others to a death too.

"We will fight. We will not let them win. Not today. Kei didn't die in vain. She believed we will win, and that's exactly what we will prove." She was now speaking to her squad. "She would have smacked all of us if she saw us this hopeless. Let's make her proud. Let's win this battle, like she believed we will, because we never stop fighting."


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