I Would Come For You

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She was hurrying down the steps, fixing her pilot's suit, and adjusting her goggles, before pulling her helmet off into her hands and swirling her blonde curls into her thin fingers. She had been called by the Commander, and her mind whirred into the many possibilities why he would have called for her.

It wasn't that the commander was a strict general; in fact, he was one of her closest friends, after her late brother, Corporal Echo, who had succumbed to injuries a year ago.

She knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in," a friendly, familiar voice called out. The one of a brother, who had cared for you like one of his own.

"I trust you had a safe journey?" Rex asked, smiling kindly and pointing to a seat near him.

"Yes, thank you." Omega replied.

"So, I believe you are thinking why the hell have I sent for you immediately after your return? Well, I have decided that it's time to make you a Sergeant."

Omega was shocked. "Pardon?"

"You have shown valour and courage out in the battlefield, you have also shown expertise in technology and intelligence, and you have fought valiantly in both air and on land. You have proved yourself a worthy warrior. Remind me of me, actually." He winked, eliciting a giggle out of her.

"Hunter would have been proud of you, as would Echo, Tech, Wrecker, and even Crosshair, with those skills of yours. He would have agreed with me to give you this position."

Her heart welled with sadness as she missed her brothers and her father figure who had died while bailing out another of her brothers, Crosshair.

"Why, thank you." She mumbled, looking down, not to reveal her tears.

"You deserved it, ad'ika," Rex said with adoration. She wished she had heard that name for herself from Hunter's mouth. She wished he had at least hugged her once in his life, but death did not have mercy for them.

"So, does that mean I have to go on another mission?" Omega asked, interrupting the compliment battle.

"Yes, but not now. Right now, you have another mission, in the facility."

"Uh, I'm not sure I follow."

"It's time for you to take on a squad. You can work well in both teams and solo, but I think you have had enough solo missions. We have seen your work, and we believe making you a squad leader will be beneficial. In good time, we may make you a trainer."

Omega rubbed her palms excitedly. It had been a while since she'd gone on team missions, the last one being sent to intercept an Imperial vessel carrying a large amount of ipsium, which went horribly south and resulted in her whole squad returning barely alive with burns and grossly horrifying wounds. She had lost her left hand in that battle, which was replaced with a mechanical one, but that was the battle which cost Echo his life.

"When do I meet them?"

"Good. I was worried you may not like the idea of a squad." Rex said approvingly. "The cadets will be here in five minutes. They are five in number."

"How many of them signed up voluntarily? What is their age range?" She had suffered her life being uprooted by war, when all she wanted was a life of peace with someone to love her, and she absolutely did not want a lifetime of war for someone else's children.

Rex peered at her, one eyebrow raised. "I have no idea why'd you ask that, but the youngest is 19 years old, and rest assured, their ages have not been accelerated by any method, and they all came in of their own accord, yes. Before they even set foot in the academy, and after graduation, they were once again given the option to leave, which they denied absolutely. We never take forceful recruits, Omega. I thought you'd know that by now."

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