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—ANDROMEDA CROSSED HER arms, leaning back in her seat. her brown eyes watches the sight of Eddie attempting to flirt, nose scrunching as it failed. "dude," Jerry turned to Eddie, the two walking to the group's table. "you gotta let it go with Grace, man. you're just not her type." he gave the shorter boy a reality check. "what's her type?" Eddie questions, raising an eyebrow. "yknow, guys that do things big. the type of guy that stands out in a crowd." the latino shrugged.

"hello, have you seen my new scarf? it looks like a snake." Eddie pointed out as if it was meant to be known. the two sat in their seats, Eddie being across Milton, Andromeda next to him which made Jack across her, Kim next to the brunette and Jerry near the blonde. "think Jerry meant someone like Jack, bud." Andromeda said, sitting up and rests her cheek on her fist. everybody looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"what?" she asks, feeling like she had said something wrong. "what do you mean by that, Rome?" Jack smirks, leaning his elbows on the table. the ravennette cocked a brow then she blinked in realisation, her posture straightening. "oh, get over yourself jackass!" she kicked his shin under the table, getting a loud wince from the victim. "i meant," she huffed and switches gaze to Eddie. "Jack is the type of guy to get everyone's attention. he's confident in what he does and will do what he can to help." she explained the obvious.

Kim shot her a familiar look while Jack, who recovered quickly, stares at her with an unreadable expression. Andromeda scrunched her nose at her best friend's expression, immediately shaking her head. the blonde hummed and rolls her eyes. "was that a compliment i hear?" Jack's lips tugged up, making the ravennette scowl. she kicked his shin again. "ow! would you stop?" the brunette hissed, leaning down to soothe the pain.

there was a small silence that was broken by Milton speaking. "what's that smell?" the redhead questions. "it smells like actual food," Kim noticed. Jack scoffed a laugh, "this is a school cafeteria. it is no place for food." for a demonstration, he picked up his plate and tips it over, none of the food falls. "i dont get why you losers don't just pack lunch," Andromeda cuts in, as everybody looked at her homemade meal of chicken fried rice. Milton sniffs around before he spotted the culprit. "it's them," this caused everybody to avert their eyes to the football team's table. "here we go, the start of football season." he sighed.

"which means," Andromeda smirked, leaning forward. "rival school athletes." she giggled making Kim laugh, the two sharing cheeky grins. Jack rolled his eyes at her words. "gross," he pulls a face. "shut up." the filipina clicked her tounge. "look at them with their prime rib, they think they're so much better than us." Jerry scowls as he stared at their food. "oh! i'm gonna go ask that guy if i can eat his fat." the switch up is crazy.

Kim took hold of his jacket, pulling him back. "sit down!" she exclaims with wide eyes. "yknow, their quarterback just moved away." Eddie brings up. Andromeda sighed, "i know, he was a cute one too." her lips were then brought into a sly smile. "but yknow who else is cute? that quarterback back from the school we're playing against this week." Jack groaned, feeling annoyed. "Brandon Hart, right?" Kim asked, amused at Jack's misery.

the black-haired girl hummed, "mhm. oh! and their star soccer player, Daniel Richards." she added. "Daniel's girlfriend is really nice too." Andromeda says. "oo, i saw her last week at the mall. she's so pretty!" Kim chimes in, clapping her hands. "guys," Eddie brought the girls' attention back to the topic. "they're holding tryouts to find a replacement," he finally said. they all shrug, going back to their food unbothered.

in seconds, Milton jumps up with his hands frantically flaring around in excitement. "i think we all know someone is sitting right at this table that could replace him." he hinted but no one takes it. Andromeda pursed her lips, scanning each and everyone before concluding that no one seemed fit in her mind. "if i have to, i mean come on." Eddie cooly chuckled. "well, i guess i could. i got the muscles," Jerry also spoke up.

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