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"Not even the ex?"

"Not even the ex. Welcome to my humble abode." Michelle said brightly, pulling Ann inside.

The doctor couldn't help herself but to admire Michelle's place. It was spacious, walls decorated with what she thinks are expensive paintings, in the corner of her living room was an acoustic guitar and a desk with her personal computer.

"Nice place. Are you sure you live here alone? This place is huge."

"I live here alone, drinks?"

"Sure, I'm fine whatever you could offer."

As the night got deeper, the two of them continued talking and asking questions about each other, enjoying each other's company.

She's been asking which songs Michelle had written, wanting to know if she already listened to them. But the bartender just smiled at her.

"You okay?" The other girl asks gently, noticing as her chest is heaving. They're about to finish a bottle of wine, and there was a lot of kissing involved. But Ann was enjoying her company far too much.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." That made Michelle chuckle. 

Ann's mind went blank at the thought of this woman's hands and mouth pleasing her. And God, worship she did. She sat up a little and pulled Michelle for a hungry kiss, showing her she too, can play this game. The woman on top of her grunted when Ann bit her lower lip. "Hmmm."

Expert hand reached behind her to unhook her bra.

"Let's go to my room."

Toned thighs wrapped round Michelle's waist as she lifted Ann. It wasn't long until they reached her bedroom. It was neat and organised. But as much as she wanted to have a tour, it seemed like Michelle didn't want to waste anymore time.

"Ready?" Michelle asks, arching an eyebrow.

Is she kidding? The doctor thought. She would've backed out even before they got here, besides the fact that she's already almost naked, her shirt and bra already forgotten on the couch. "So fucking ready. "

Michelle chuckled. "Good. Let me know if you're uncomfortable?"

See. So thoughtful.

"Show me what you've got, Michelle. Do me." God, if her mother could only hear how she talks right now and if anyone could read her mind about all the dirty thoughts she has for Michelle, she's going to make her ancestors blush.

"Ugh." She grunts when Michelle hovers over her, careful hand drawing down to her taut stomach until she reaches the elastic of her panties, hooking her thumb and pulling it down. 

She leaned in closer so she could kiss her. It was gentler this time than the hungry ones they've shared earlier. Ann wrapped an arm around her neck while the other was roaming around, scratching Michelle's back.

The woman on top of her drew her kisses to her cheek, next to her jaw, down to her neck. She craned her head on the other side to give Michelle more access to her skin. She smelled like vanilla, probably her perfume or body wash, but it was intoxicating.

Michelle gave her collarbones to her chest, featherlight kisses trying her best not to leave a mark on her pale skin. Her mouth watered at the sight of her breasts. "Can I?"

No one has ever stared at her hungrily like this. Her irises were so dark from lust, and all she could do was nod her head. She has been doing that since they were still at the pub until Michelle took her to the studio and now, here at the bartender's pad.

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