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The story is set in Hyderabad and begins with the village’s head, Murtasim Shahnawaz Khan on a stroll in the fields to discern the progress of the crops when one of the farmers mournfully informs him of the threats they are agonised with and enlightens him of the rising menace to their fields imposed by a cutthroat rival in the village named, Malik Mukhtar and his vile son, Malik Zubair .Being the village’s premier, Murtasim heeds the whole situation and it quite incenses him. He’s known to be responsible as well as ruthless when it comes to protecting and ensuring his people’s safety. When Malik tries to create problems over a mere land that he desires which is owned by Murtasim, it’s the cue for Murtasim to assert his true dominance. Hence, to instill terror and warn his foes of further barbarity against his people and meddling in the village’s peace, Murtasim barges into Malik’s mansion and threatens to kill his son —thus fueling the red-hot rivalry further.

On the other hand, Meerab Waqas Ahmad  Meerab Anwar Khan by birth, is her father's princess who is a renowned lawyer in Karachi. She’s an ambitious and beautiful young girl who wants to pursue higher studies and aspires to become a rightful lawyer like her father, Waqas It's shown that her entire world revolves around her parents and she believes in them the most. Her strong and confident personality makes her stand against social injustices around her, and she never stays back to voice her debate over the disservices of society over innocents.

In Hyderabad, Murtasim's mother, Salma Begum , is considered the “Khaanum” and is respected among the whole village. Being extremely venerated with her regal aura that graces the grand mansion of the Khans, she’s customed to heed the problems and sufferings of the people calmly and unriddle suitable solutions for their miseries. It is also shown that Murtasim has a younger cousin, Haya  Murtasim’s late paternal aunt's daughter, who is deeply in love with him to the extent of an unhealthy obsession as she earnestly dreams to marry him. She roams like a delusional lover in his room and touches his walled pictures, claiming that she’s the one who would own him in the end no matter how much he runs away from her and dismisses her advances. It turns out that Murtasim’s half-aware of the madly fascinated upswings of Haya regarding him, but he deems her as his younger sister and continues to refuse her in every way.

Waqas’s good friend and Murtasim’s paternal Uncle, Anwar Khan is clued in on Meerab’s wish to study law and he promptly informs his sister-in-law Salma Begum of Waqas’s inclination to let Meerab fulfill her ambition. Salma Begum is a woman of a conservative and backward mentality. She doesn’t deem that the women of her family should be tolerated to roam in circles of courts but rather be reserved in a womanly chore to which she’s entitled. She urges Anwar to travel to Karachi along with Murtasim to make Waqas understand and reiterate that she’s the one who makes decisions in their family, after her son and the crowned kingpin, Murtasim Shahnawaz Khan himself.

It’s Meerab’s birthday shortly and her college friends, Saba (Talia Jan) and Rohail (Subhan Awan), insist on having a party. Intending to romantically propose to Meerab on her birthday itself, Rohail volunteers to throw the party and after many avowals by her friends, Meerab agrees, unaware of what Rohail has planned,. On the way to Karachi with Anwar, Murtasim stops his car among the throng of spectators surrounding the public street and goes over to investigate the chaos only to see Meerab manhandling a man who she claims to be abusive with his wife, and her female servant. Angered that Meerab is supposedly flouting their family’s vanity, he roughly drags her away from the scene.

Meerab tries hard to make sure her father doesn’t view her as culpable and laments over how Murtasim and Anwar dragged her insensately. She questions their constant involvement in their house and asserts that they don’t hold any power over her. Waqas makes her leave without listening to her which upsets Meerab. Anwar warns Waqas that he wouldn’t condone their family’s dignity getting bedraggled on the streets.

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