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During meeting

We were having our meeting with Mr Bong well he is very strict with his business rules and we are just praying that we get the deal with him because its not easy to work with him but we have to for our company's reputation.

After meeting

I was in washroom thinking about my future with y/n how will it be when we will grow older and all stuff, as I came out jungkook was sitting on couch looking tensed so I went near him

Th: what happened

Jk: Taehyung why didn't you tell us

Th: tell you what

Jk: that you got to know that y/n is a spy and how come instead of killing her you are so happy with her how

Th: because I love her

Jk: really I mean even though you know that she is a spy you like her still

Th: see even if she is a spy she won't spy on me because now even I know she is spy so definitely y/n won't let herself into trouble

Jk: wait so you mean you don't love her

Th: do you think I like her

Jk: but since the day she came you love her and just because of that you guys gor married

Th: always what you see isn't true everyone thinks that we are such a cute couple but no one knows what's behind this cute and handsome face

Jk: I don't get it

Th: I don't love her it's just a drama to keep her away from her mission because the day she came here I felt suspicious so I searched about her from everywhere and I got to know that this girl is not ordinary but she is a spy on a mission to expose me and my mafia business but she doesn't know in which trap she is, y/n thinks I really love her but the truth is I don't even care about her.

Jungkook was so shocked when I told him the whole truth that I got no feelings for y/n and all this love kiss sex is just part of my plan to keep her only involved in me.

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