Chapter 1: This Was A Mistake

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The cat hissed at Feng Xin, glaring daggers at him, demanding to be set down.

"Gods, you're agressive, maybe I should just name you Xian Yao," Feng Xin said. He shut the door behind him and let the wild animal loose in his apartment.

'I'm definitely going to regret this after he ruins everything.' Feng Xin sighed, and he took off his shoes thinking about dinner. He took his phone out of his pocket and set both it and his leftover tangyuan on the table in front of the couch.

'Wait, OH SHIT!' After remembering that the cat was wet and drenched in water as Feng Xin chased after it. Feng Xin was not going to stay up doing laundry because some stray decided that his bed was the best place to dry off.

"Get back here, Yaoyao!" Feng Xin yelled, attempting to pick up Xian Yao, who was trying to climb up onto Feng Xin's bed.

There was water all over Feng Xin's floor boards and mats. He could deal that after he washed the cat and cleaned himself.

After struggling for 5 minutes with the cat, Feng Xin finally managed to get a grip on the uncooperative little furball. He took the rascal and went to the bathroom. He stepped into the shower, grabbed the handheld shower head, and turing it on.

While trying to bathe the cat, Feng Xin almost got his finger bitten off. 'This is why dogs are better they don't threaten to kill you because of some water'

Xian Yao eventually gave up on trying to murder his savior, resoring to being grumpy and hissing at him whenever he put his finger close to Xian Yao's face.

Feng Xin turned off the shower after making sure he washed all the dirt off Xian Yao. He took a random small towel he never used and wrapped it around the pissed feline like a burrito.

Feng Xin placed the soggy cat burrito down on his couch, he couldn't just kick the cat out after taking it in, so the only thing Feng Xin could do to restrain the kitten was wrapping him up as a burrito. "Stay here, and don't do anything alright, Yaoyao?"

Xian Yao meowed at him in response, rolling around, trying to get out of the towel he was trapped, as if he was saying, "Where do you think I can go wrapped up like this?!"

Feng Xin booped the cat on his nose as he stood up, making his way over his bedroom. Feng Xin grabbed the clothes he was going to change into and went back into the bathroom, 5 mintues later Feng Xin emerged from the bathroom with new clothes on and a towel on his head covering some of his wet hair. He walked over to the couch and sat next to Xian Yao, who was still looking miserable and meowed pitifully at Feng Xin.

"You weren't this sad when you were in that cat-board box, were you?" Feng Xin laughed, using this opportunity to make a horrible cat pun.

Xian Yao just looked even more disappointed the second he heard Feng Xin's horrible try at a joke. "Meow," Xian Yao wiggled in his towel cage.

Feng Xin picked Xian Yao up and unwrapped him a little bit, although the ferocious furball still didn't gain access to their paws. Then Feng Xin held the cat to his chest.

He picked up his phone and prayed to the Heavenly Emperor that his phone didn't break because of some uncalled for storm. Luckily, his phone was still working, so Feng Xin did the most reasonable thing. He bothered his friends and asked them what he should name his new cat.

Feng Xin made a group of Shi Qingxuan, Xie Lian, and himself. He called both of them, with Shi Qingxuan, who picked up first.

"Feng-Xiong, it's... uh, 12:47," Shi Qingxuan paused, checking the time before continuing her sentence. "A girl's gotta get her beauty sleep. Seriously, what do you need at this ungodly hour?"

Feng Xin was about to reply when Xie Lian joined the call, well it was probably better to say a fox dressing up as a pirate since Xie Lian was no where to be seen with only a red fox staring intently at Feng Xin and Shi Qingxuan through the screen.

"Ta dah! It's the fox I found earlier, I named him Wu Ming," Xie Lian had gently pulled Wu Ming away from the phone so Shi Qingxuan and Feng Xin could see his face. "Now that I think about it Wu Ming kind of reminds me of that red fox Hong'er I found a couple years back, now that I'm living on my own my muqin can't stop me from keeping a fox. Look, they even have the same eye covered!"

Xie Lian pointed to the eye patch on the right side of the fox's face, as Feng Xin remeber how Xie Lian found a baby fox on the streets and decided to take it with him home Although, his parents weren't pleased with Xie Lian taking home a "dirty fleabag" as Xie Lian's teacher/tutor Mei Nianqing called it.

"So, before we get carried away with Wu Ming I kind of need help with naming a cat I found- YOU FUCKER-" Feng Xin cursed loudly glaring at Xian Yao who bit his finger, while he was petting him.

"Meow >:3" Xian Yao rolled around on Feng Xin's lap, meowing affectionately before chewing and biting at his shorts.

"Hey, you piece of shit- stop," Feng Xin put his phone down on the table as he tried getting Xian Yao to release their bite on Feng Xin's shorts.

"Wait, a cat?! Lemme see, don't hog the cutie," Shi Qingxuan's voice came from the phone.

Feng Xin scolded the cat while they angrily hissed and meowed back.

"Wait, your highness, is your fox names Wu Ming as in no name?!" Shi Qingxuan asked after thinking about the name.

"Yep!" Xie Lian enthusiastically replied, smiling.

"This bitch finally decided to cooperate," Feng Xin finally said after Xie Lian and Shi Qingxuan chatted.

Feng Xin picked up the phone and held Xian Yao as if they were a spray bottle, while Xian Yao was throwing the biggest hissy fit of all time, hissing bloodly murder at Feng Xin.

"This is Xian Yao, but he doesn't reallt seem to like that name so I decided to call you guys and give this 'princess' a name that he would actually like," Feng Xin introduced Xian Yao to Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. You're telling me that you named the pet you'll probably be keeping for the foreseeable furture, Bite First?" Shi Qingxuan looked absolutely flabbergasted. "I get why he hates you."

"I think it's a... lovely name," Xie Lian paused for a moment as if searching for the words to describe the name.

"Well, since you're hopeless at naming I guess I could give you some name recommendations. There's Fu Yao-"

"Fu yao... I think that's a good name," Feng Xin repeated the name and decides on it.

"Wait, you haven't heard my other suggestions though! Are you sure you don't want to hear them?" Shi Qingxuan cried.

"Ah! Wait, Wu Ming!" Xie Lian cried suddenly. "Sorry guys I have to go, Wu Ming got stuck underneath the couch!"

Then Xie Lian hung up leaving Shi Qingxuan and Feng Xin alone in the call.

"Well remeber to send me pictures of dear Fu Yao, oh and if you don't want them I'll take them! Anyways He Xuan needs help reheating the leftovers, bye!" Shi Qingxuan left the call, making Feng Xin promise to send pictures of Fu Yao right before they left.

Feng Xin turned around to face Fu Yao who didn't looked very pleased with the towel he was in.


"I swear to the fucking heaven's you're gonna give me rabies you little ball of fury," Feng Xin said, he picked Fu Yao up and took him back to the bathroom. "I may have forgot to dry your fur."

Feng Xin restrain Fu Yao by having him face away from Feng Xin so he won't bite him. Feng Xin carefully unwrapped the towel, he put a hand on their wet fur. "Yet, definitely still wet!"

He made the bad decision of free Fu Yao entirely from their cage, which lead to Fu Yao pouncing on him.

"FUCK! OW OW OW! PIECE OF SHIT! HOW THE FUCK DO I GET JUMPED BY A FUCKING CAT!" Feng Xin cursed loudly as Fu Yao jumped onto him and started scratching his face.

I just got my first Tian Guan Ci Fu novel from Barnes & Nobles today, infact that's what gave me the motivation to finish this bad chapter. Sadly book 2 was out of stock so I had to get Book 1 & 3. Apologies for any errors, I'll fix it when I have time

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 11 ⏰

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