Prolouge; How it started

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Feng Xin stumbled out of Shi Qingxuan's car, clutching his dizzy head.

"Feng Xin are you sure you don't want Xie Lian or someone to accompany you back home?" Shi Qingxuan asked.

To celebrate Chinese New Year Shi Qingxuan had invited everyone to a party with a feast and a lot of alcohol and wine. Once the party ended those who were sober enough went home by calling a taxi, however the others that lived near Shi Qingxuan decided to have Shi Qingxuan drive them home. Which was a grave mistake, because for goodness sake they should not have a drivers license. Feng Xin was half sure that Shi Qingxuan almost ran over 5 people.

Feng Xin quickly glanced at Pei Ming who was flirting with someone over the phone, Ming Yi who was busy eating the left overs he saved, and Xie Lian who was busy playing with the cute fox he found on the sidewalk.

"No thanks," Feng Xin replied waving his hand, he smiled at Shi Qingxuan before staring at the dark stary sky.

Shi Qingxuan mumbled something like "If you say so" and she closed the car door and drove off.

Feng Xin stood there for some time and took a deep breath in, cool crisp air filled his lungs, the air helped with Feng Xin's pounding headache because of Shi Qingxuan's reckless driving as it started to rain.

"God, fucking, dammit," Feng Xin cursed, he didn't have an umbrella or hood so all he could do was get soaked by the rain.

Feng Xin started walking towards his apartment, as he approached the gate he heard a faint meow.


Another meow came from a cardboard box nearby, it was taped up messily and was place right next to the trash can. By the looks of it someone had probably been planning to throw the cat out with the garbage, well since the owner didn't want it anyways there shouldn't be a problem with Feng Xin opening the box to see what was inside.In it was a small black cat with some silver markings in their fur, along with dichromatic eyes.

"Hey there little guy," Feng Xin smiled at the cat. "Whatcha doing out here?"

In response to Feng Xin's soft words the kitten hissed at Feng Xin whipping their tail back and forth.

"C'mere little guy," Feng Xin said still smiling at the little cat, he extended his hand and picked up the thrashing and hissing cat. Holding them close to his chest and surprisingly the cat stopped screaming bloody murder, although they still looked like they were going to tear Feng Xin apart and stuff him in a washing machine.

Feng Xin now holding a cat in one hand fumbled for the keys opended the gate, and ran to his apartment building. He entered the code to the building and breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped inside.

The cat for the most part was mostly covered by Feng Xin so they weren't drenched in water, Feng Xin on the other hand looked like a wet dog.

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