Spa day! (Drarry)

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Smutshot (fluff)

Wizarding world AU

It seems like the day couldn't get anymore chaotic.

Harry was currently walking through the Ministry of Magic's atrium, with a thousand reporters and photographers for the daily prophet following him as he fumbled papers in his hands. "How far are you with the investigation, Mr. Potter?" A reporter asked, a short lady with short brown hair and glasses that sat just on the tip of her nose. "Oh, we're pretty far into it.. we've already-"

"What do you plan to do about these attacks?" Another asked.

"Well we haven't-"

"What's it like being Head Auror? Is it stressful?"

"It's been ama-"

"Mr. Potter! Are these attacks attached to when you defeated you know who all those years ago?"

"Well, I don't know y-"

"Mr. Potter, readers are hungry for your words! Please answer my question!"

"You didn't answer mine yet, Mr. Potter!"

All the papers slipped out of Harry's hand and scattered across the floor. Harry groaned, all the questions immediately pausing. He turned back to the press after taking his temper, cause if this had gone on any longer than it had he might just explode in front of everyone. "Please, everyone.. I adore how eager you are, but I can't answer anymore questions right now. I'm very busy." Harry spoke, looking back to the mess of papers on the floor.

Slowly, the press started trickling away to bother some other ministry employee. Harry let out a frustrated exhale and bent down the pick up his papers.

He had been called in to work early that morning, not even having time to kiss his husband goodbye because it was an 'emergency'. I mean it was pretty bad, attacks had broken out all through wizard London with no traces as to who it might be. Harry thinks it might be death eaters, mad about their leader falling. But why would they attack so long after his defeat? That was eight years ago.

Harry sighed again, scrunching his papers into a messy pile and going to stand up. He stepped on his own cloak and stumbled backwards into some else which made the lady drop her purse. "So sorry, ma'am." Harry quickly apologized, bending down the get her purse and the pen that rolled out of it. He handed it back to her with a crooked smile on his face and she smiled lightly back. "It's ok." She hummed, walking away.

Harry watched her go for a moment before getting back on track and making a beeline for his office. He slammed the door shut and threw the papers on his desk, adding the the already messy clutter of his desktop. He never was organized. He slumped into his seat and his eyes ran over the daily prophet from his morning.

Terrifying Attacks in the West of London, who could it be?

He let out another dragged out sigh, letting his head roll back and his eyes close only to stay completely still for a few moments. It's been a long day.

When Harry finally got home, he dropped all of his stuff off at the door and kicked his shoes off. He stripped his cloak and threw it on top of his bag. He stumbled into the living room to see his husband sitting on the couch and staring intently at the muggle TV in their living room. Harry immediately felt at ease a little more, being in his love's presence.

He walked over, tripping over his own feet and plopped down on the couch. The blonde's eyes didn't waver from the TV. "Hi Harry. I didn't know this muggle device would be so interesting. There's so many channels to choose from, I didn't even know which one to pick!" Draco greeted. "Hey." Harry breathed out. Draco immediately ripped his eyes from the TV to look over at Harry with a questioning look.

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