"A little bit more farther"

"You got it turn it turn it!"squints says

we then turn the metal pole thing and now the bowl is on top of the baseball

"you got it now pull it back!" squints says

we then start to pull it back but the beast came back out and stepped on the bowl that covered the baseball and threw the metal pole back over the fence again while everyone screaming again. We all then got up and looked down at the metal pole that is now bent we used.

"I think that we seriously underestimated the beast." Timmy says

after that had happened smalls suggested that we should get some vacuums or whatever to suck. the ball up and get it back

"power. ok guys were almost ready. were connecting power, now" squints tells Timmy

after all the vacuumes get turned on  and we got the ball in it the vacuumes start to make this weird loud noise

"what's happening?" smalls says confused

"the pipe... its been pinched shut" squints says

"turn it off man!" Bertram says

"I can't they're shorting out!" smalls exclaims

"The vaccumes are clogged! I don't know about you but im getting the hell out of here!" Bertram says start to go down the latter as everyone starts to exit the tree house

I slide down the pole of the tree house while we all run and jump into a pile all on top of each other while the vacuums explode covering everything in dust. I then try to get up but see that benny is onto of me

"sorry" he says as he gets off me giving me his hand to get up while everyone else slowly starts to get up looking at the tree house. I take is hand and stand up

"are you ok sel?" he asks concerned looking for any marks

"yeah im fine benny" I say but then we alter our attention to Tommy walking out of the tree house covered in dirt as he walks over to us shaking the dust out his hair and just sighs

"we've been going about this all wrong. I blame my self, we need total surprise. an airborne attack. something that the beast will never expect. he says

(Time skip to machine thing cz I don't feel writing this)

later we then created this machine thing and we are gonna fling it back to the other side of the fence

''prepare to launch'' squints says

"prepare to launch" Timmy repeats

"prepare to launch. launching" smalls says moving the car downtime ramp or whatever it is moving the machine car onto the ground

"ok your on the ground" Timmy says

"moving forward" smalls says moving the a bit too far up

"your up to far move back" squints says as smalls moved the car back as the car moved back

"Stop! drop catapult" squints says

"catapult is dropped" smalls says

"open catapult" squints tells smalls

"were gonna get it, I know it" benny mumbles hopefully

"opening catapult smalls says

"forward" squints orders then the car is right between the ball

"close catapult" squints orders

"catapult closed" smalls says as the beasts comes back out again sand starts to bark and growl

"AHHH FIRE FIRE FIRE!" squints yells making smalls fire the catapult and the the ball comes shooting over the fence towards benny

"I got it! I got it! I got it!" benny yells putting his glove up to catch it but, the beast jumps up into the air catching it with its mouth

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