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It was the next day after everyone had threw up and me and benny kissed. im low-key not sure what we are right now tho

but benny was up batting first. he got in his stance nodding at Kenny to I guess throw a heater. anyway Kenny pitched the ball to him and benny swung the bat making a very lock crack noise to see benny had busted the guts out of the baseball!

scotty caught the ball as we all ran to the ball looking down at it looking at it in amazement

"oh man!"



"no it aint" benny says upset. of corse this he's upset on my soul

"mf what do you mean it aint" I say turning my head to him

"come on benny man. Maybe only two or there guys in history have ever busted the guts out the baseball before!" squints exclaims

"Must be a omen" Timmy says but benny just shakes his head

"All it means is that we can't play no more! i mean its only twelve o'clock and I just ruined the whole day for us" benny exclaims

"benny chill its ok man!" I say to him

"Do any of y'all got any money" he asks but we all shake our heads no

"Then it aint ok , cause now we can't play no more!" benny says again

"yeah we can" smalls speaks up

"what? you got Nighety-Eight extra cents lying around at home smalls?" benny asks with a hint of attitude

"no, but I got a ball" smalls replies

"GO GET IT!!" we all exclaim with some of us smacking him on the arm

A few minutes later smalls came running back with a baseball in his hand

"I got it guys! I got the ball, I got it! right here guys I got the ball I got it here benny I got it" smalls yells to us out of breath from running giving it to benny

"Bitchin' your ball your ups here you go" benny says handing smalls the bat jogging to left center  the spot smalls usually plays in.

"okay"smalls says stepping into the batters box as everyone starts to encourage him because its his first time batting

"BATTER UPP!" ham yells behind the box

"Your flys open" ham says to smalls making him strike

"hey! batter, batter, batter!" yeah-yeah yells from third base

"Thats one. three strikes three pitches" ham says

kenny pitched smalls the ball again and smalls hit it behind the fence making his first home run! smalls starts to run the bases until he stops and just start to stare at the fence before running to third making us stop cheering

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