"I've always called you stray!"

"But I'm not a stray anymore!" I said, as serious as could be. Zoro laughed.

"You're right. I guess I'll have to come up with a new nickname!"

"Good Lord."

"How about..." Zoro closed his eye and scratched his chin.

"You could just call me Misaki..." I said, pouting a little.

"Shhh, you're messing with my concentration!"

"Look who's cracked now!" I said, rolling my eyes.

   "Butt head doesn't seem good enough... I got it." He said, grinning.

   "Well, what is it."

    "Don't worry about it."

    "What? Don't leave me hanging here!"

    "You'll hear it soon enough!"

    "It's my nickname! I should be allowed to hear it!"

    "Relax, you scrawny little imp!" He said, making me clench my fists.

    "But I should know what— oh...." I blushed in embarrassment as Luffy laughed at us. "Well that's just mean."

   Zoro laughed and knuckled me on top of my head, making me laugh too. Just then, Sanji came out with the first batch of burgers. He handed them all out to everybody before sitting down to try one himself. Luffy devoured his before anybody even took a bite of theirs. Everybody else bit into it at the same time, and everybody snapped their eyes open at the same time.

"WOW! IT'S SO GOOD!" They all exclaimed.

"Misaki, what did she do to these to make them so good?!?!" Sanji said. I chuckled.

"What? Are you already stumped? Or do you think you can figure it out?" I challenged.

"Oh man... I may have to study it a little. There is something about it that's so different but so good! I can't put my finger on what it is though!"

"Don't worry, I'll show you how to make it! You can probably even make it better somehow!"

"It's definitely a great base for an amazing burger."

"It tastes great with an egg and bacon on top!" Luffy said, happily grabbing another one.

We all ate and enjoyed the burgers before I reached in my bag of goodies, feeling like now was as good a time as any. I pulled out some top notch sake and handed it to Zoro. He snatched it out of my hands, licking his lips.

   "I have gifts for everybody!" I said, pulling out the rest.

    I got Robin a bundle of book series that I enjoyed reading, knowing she would love it too. Franky got a couple cool little gadgets and some documents that would help him come up with some more ideas for his technology. Each of the guys got some kind of special trinket actually that pertained to their specific niche — like specific food ingredients that you couldn't get in this world for Sanji. Chopper I managed to snag some medications for him to study and replicate that might help with certain illnesses, as well as a personal cotton candy maker.

     And that's when I got to Luffy's present. I snickered as he opened it to find a ninja headband a few shuriken. They weren't heavy duty, maybe just sharp enough to stick into the wall if thrown just right. Something he could play with and not cause massive damage.

     "WOOOOOAAAAAHHHH SOOO COOOOOOL!" All the boys leaned forward in excitement. Even Zoro looked excited.

    "Hey! This is my present. You guys already got your own!"

    "Luffyyy don't be greedy. The shuriken are for anybody to play with." I chided.

    "But Misakiiii!" Luffy pouted, making me laugh.

     "Relaaaax, I got extras. Just no throwing them at each other and no throwing them at actual parts of the Sunny! I bet Franky could make a target for you guys to throw them at."


   After the festivities, we all started piling towards bed. It was then that I realized a dilemma that I hadn't really thought about. There were only two rooms in the Sunny. Luffy and I hesitated at the split off between the two rooms and looked at each other. We had grown accustomed to sleeping together in the same bed while on the other side, and now we couldn't. Luffy reached out his hand and I grabbed it. He squeezed it gently and kissed me on the forehead.

    "I guess I'll see you in the morning?" Luffy said hesitantly. "Will you be ok tonight?"


    "Yeah..."  I could tell Luffy didn't want to say it. He was worried about my nightmares and about me sleeping well.

   "Yeah, I'll be alright." I lied. I didn't want him feeling obligated to sitting with me.

    Luffy smiled at me. I felt a little bad that he trusted what I said so easily. He plopped a kiss on my lips and went to bed without a second thought. I, however, stayed hesitant. At the very least, I knew I wasn't sleeping completely alone. I had Nami and Robin there, as well as the best bed known to man. I would be fine, just like I said. Just fine.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now