[2] the glowing boy

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"Currently my students are taking a quiz, I will give you a worksheet when you find your seat."

Mr. Harris opened the classroom door and waved Edith in, her body filled with dread and she felt numb. She felt like she couldn't breathe as she stared at her black chucks tied on her feet. Mr. Harris led her to the front of the classroom - keeping her from finding a seat.

The man cleared his throat, "Class, I apologize for the interruption, but this is our new student, Edith Starlight."

As Mr. Harris spoke, Edith took a daring glance up - finding curious eyes staring back at her. One pair of eyes in particular caught her attention.

He sat at the back of the class, his eyes were the most gorgeous color of brown, in the light almost honey - reminding the girl of her fathers bourbon. His face was covered in freckles, dotting his face in a way she would only expect from paintings.

The most eye-catching detail was that he was glowing.

Literally glowing. His aura shone so brightly it almost blinded the brunette. It captivated Edith, as she had never seen such an aura from someone.

Edith realized she was staring at this boy - it felt like forever although it was only a moment. Her cheeks flushed, closing her mouth, as she was gapping like a fish.

Her eyes shot back down to her shoes as Mr. Harris sent her to find a seat.

She found an empty seat next to the windows, beside a tall boy with striking blue eyes and curly blonde hair. She didn't say anything to him as he was focused on his test, she could feel the anxiety seep from him. So glady she left him to work and focused on the worksheet Harris had given her, trying her hardest to ignore the boy with the glowing aura across the room.


When the bell finally rang, Edith was the last to shuffle out of the class, letting all of the other students ahead of her. She watched as the glowing boy rushed out of the classroom and she smiled to herself, he was cute.

She shook herself out of her thoughts as she made her way down the busy halls, searching for her locker, when she finally found it she sighed with relief - anxiety had started to overtake her the longer she searched.

She stopped in front of the blue door and fiddled with the lock - glancing at the combination scribbled on her hand a few times. The girl cursed, unable to open her locker. She had gotten a quick tutorial from her principle but honestly, she wasn't paying much attention.

She sighed, and just as she was about to walk away and pretend like she never had a backpack in the first place, a voice interrupted her.

"Need some help?"

Edith turned quickly, startled by the voice. She laid eyes on a boy with dirty blonde hair and gray blue eyes.

The girls heart jumped to her throat - this was the first real interaction with anyone else her age, except for Jackson, who only told her to "Hurry your ass up," that morning.

Edith eyed the boy carefully, noticing he was smiling at her - the smile didn't quite reach his eyes but she brushed that off.

"I take it you're new, I'm Matt."

Edith cleared her throat, "Um... I'm Edith," she mumbled, casting her eyes downward.

Matt didn't seem to mind her awkward demeanor, "Can I help you with your lock?" he questioned kindly.

Edith's stomach filled with butterflies. A boy - was talking to her. For the first time ever. In person.

"Uh... Yeah- sure." Edith stumbled on her words as she took a step back, before she could get far, Matt grabbed her hand, startling the girl. She realized he was looking at the combination on her hand. Edith was uncomfortable with this action but she swallowed her discomfort, letting the boy unlock her locker.

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