September 24, Sunday.

18 3 2

My life is like a ticking bomb.

I barely passed to the eighth grade. My friends don't talk to me anymore. Moreover, I failed the practice tests.

Veronica used to be my best friend, however, now she treats me like air. "Mandarin," as she's nicknamed from her last name, has been avoiding me for a long time. "Redhead," or Eve, is still closed off in her own world. Only with Ewelina do I have the best connection. We all go to the same class.

By the way, I'm Ola. I'm 14 years old. Forgot to introduce myself. It's been a month since school started. October is approaching. I just got back from sports practice. I train in athletics. Besides our group, the soccer section also had practice.

Here's where the crux of the matter begins.

Eric, my number one enemy, belongs to the soccer section. He's untouchable because he's the best student in school. We've disliked each other for as long as I can remember, but the conflict escalated today. He showed off and deliberately kicked the ball off the field. It all started when we were running on the track, and the ball hit Maya, my friend from the section. I knew he did it on purpose, so without waiting, I took the ball and headed towards the field. That brute's first words were, I quote: "You and your friend stay out of my way." I responded to him in harsher words. I won't repeat them, sorry. Apparently, I offended his pride because after a moment of hesitation, he pushed me and hit me in the stomach. That's how a big brawl started, involving me, Maya, and Eric. The coach came running, and it took about 10 minutes to separate us. It ended with both Eric and me getting a punishment of two weeks of cleaning the gym floor and maintaining the field. It's his fault, so I think it's unfair. Maya didn't get any punishment because the coach insisted she didn't hit him like I did. At least he'll have a purple bruise. Maybe this way he'll remember not to get in my way. Although I don't know if that's achievable.

After all this, I packed my things and went home. I washed up, changed, and as usual, checked my messages. Unfortunately, I regretted doing that. My inbox was full of notifications about new messages. You know from whom. The clever guy was smart enough to send me so many messages that he'll get revenge and also sent me pictures of the bruise. Honestly, I hit him well. I laughed looking at those photos, his cheek turning purple. I'm not sorry at all. To get rid of problems with Eric, I blocked the chat and turned off my phone.

Now I'm sitting at my desk and writing in my notebook. I don't know what will happen tomorrow or how our fates will unfold, so I decided to document everything. In case of anything, I'll have a memento from the last year of elementary school. After all, it's already the eighth grade. Next year, there won't be Eric, and the problems will end. Well, I think you can't even imagine how happy I'am about it.

I'll leave this entry for today. If you're reading this, it means the notebook fell into unauthorized hands. I don't really have anyone to confide in, so I'll keep this diary.

These notes are the story happening before my eyes. Life writes the script, and I just process it. Forgive me if I twist something.

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