Chapter 53

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- Christmas at Derek and Alan's house - 


We were at the boy's house now and it was decorated so cute. I think it is so cute the time people put into things.

"I am so glad you guys could make it," Derek said as he smiled.

"We are too," I said with a smile.

"I think it is cool to be able to have this kind of dinner with you guys. Normally it has just been me and Y/N the last few," Matthew says.

"Yeah, having some people to spend some time together is always a nice thing," I said.

"The idea of having someone to spend a holiday with is always so lucky," Alan said.

"I think having family around is always the most genuine thing," I said with a smile.

"You see us as family?" Woody asked.

"Of course, I do," I said with a smile.

"Aww, I am so glad to hear that," Les said.

"Do you ever wonder how other people celebrate this kind of holiday in their homes?" Woody asked.

"I always do. Everyone has something different they do at the holidays and being able to know of it makes it even more special," I said.

"Do you have any special traditions?" Les asked.

"No, not really. Growing up Christmas was always just a basic holiday at my house and we kind of did the bare minimum. I always wanted to go all out for Christmas and as soon I got out I did," I said with a smile.

"It is always nice to break away from the habits we are raised with. I mean yes some of them are good and respected but some make us feel like we are not who we are," Les said.

"I think that is a good way to put it you know. I always thought about the future like making a cute little breakfast for the kids," I said with a smile.

"Are you guys thinking about kids right now?" Woody asked looking at Eric.

"No, not even close. We are busy people and we would want to be settled for longer before we would even think of it," Eric said.

"I like how straight forward you are. I am excited though for one day when you do have kids I will be uncle Woody," Woody said with a chuckle.

"You guys will all make good uncles," Eric said.

"And of course all of our siblings," Les commented.

"I think it is going to be a lot of fun you know," I said.

"I think so too and how is it always not having siblings of your own?" Alan asked looking at me.

"I don't know. I was always used to being the only child and then of course Matthew came in and became like my older brother," I said.

"I think it is cool how close we became as "siblings" over a good period of time," Matthew said.

"I think it is good to have a friend who is as close as a brother could be," Eric said.

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