 Chapter Eight 

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

This is bullshit. This is bullshit.

Armada kept telling herself over and over as the group of six moved through the woods and on past the river barrier.
I wonder what Reese would say. Probably that these kids are idiots but then again, weren't we when we went after Auden?

"Why didn't you contact the Ark after you guys landed?" Clarke asked.
"Crash landing fried the coms to shit." Armada shrugged, trying not to think of Harley. "We tried but eventually gave up on it."

"They told everyone you guys died." Finn told her.
"They weren't exactly lying." Armada mumbled, slowly getting more irritated with the thoughts of the elect. Everything that's happened. She's spent so much time putting it all in a box and burning it that she didn't prepare herself for it's return.

"What do you have in the garden? Vegetables?" Wells asked.
Armada sighed. "Some vegetables. Mostly herbs." The thoughts of Shiloh and how he wrote everything down in his designated journal crossed her mind.
How she knew what she was doing because of it.

"You know I remember watching the broadcast of the elect ceremony." Murphy stated. "People trained to be heroes. Brave. Intelligent...I also remember when they said you were all presumed dead."

Armada tried her best to keep her nonchalant charisma about her but this kid sure knew how to press buttons.
The big red ones.

"What happened to you guys?" Finn asked. His voice was different from Murphy's in that he actually seemed like he cared and wasn't just seeking a reaction. He also asked quickly after Murphy made his small stab to try and avoid conflict.

"Oh I didn't tell you?" Armada asks, feigning curiosity before she turned around, looking sickeningly serious. "Probably because it's none of your fuckin' business." She glared at all of them before turning back around and continuing on. "It doesn't matter."

"Doesn't it?" Clarke asked as she stepped up to walk beside her. "If we want to survive down here then we have to know how to do it." She stated.

Armada turned and gave her a sharp look. "Listen, interrogator Barbie, knowledge comes after surviving. Live through it and then you'll know how to do it."

"But Armada, you have already lived it. I don't understand why you won't just tell us-" Armada cut Clarke off.
"It's simple. Avoid strangers, don't eat the five leaved plants, and run when the horn sounds."

"The horn?" Wells asked. "What horn?"
"You'll learn."
"What are the five-"
"What is the point of telling you anything if you don't listen?" She snapped at them.

None of them wanted to respond. They knew they were angering the brunette and didn't desire to see her explode but it was Clarke that had the most gall.
"The Ark sent you down to start our civilization. To pave a way. We know you have more than three base rules to surviving earth." She kept on.

The Elect § Bellamy Blakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن