Coming out

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Cassandras age:16

"Cassie?" said Jay and Cassandra looked up from her phone, seeing her brothers wearing similar serious faces.

Their expressions told her enough and Cassandra turned off her phone. Will sat down beside her on the sofa while Jay sat down on the stool opposite the couch.

"What's wrong?" asked Cassandra as it was the first thing she could think of saying.

It was mostly a reflex, because by looking at their expressions and stiff postures she could only imagined that something bad had happened.

Will and Jay exchanged nervous glances at each other and Cassandra got the feeling that this was something that they had planned, which only made her more confused.

What had she missed that was so important?

"So, we thought that since your sixteen..." Will started, glancing over at Jay but he remained silent. "...we thought that we should have a proper conversation about something very important. And it may be a little hard to listen to but just stay put and hear us out" he continued.

Not knowing what else to do, she nodded her head, preparing for the worst.

Cassandras heart was beating hard as she was mentally preparing herself. It's not like they had never had a serious conversation with her, since she had lived with them since she was a child, but this one seemed to make them both very uncomfortable.

So naturally, she was expecting something very mature and important.

But when Will hesitated to say more and his mouth opened to say something just to close again and not pronounce any words, it all clicked to Cassandra. She understood why they were so awkward.

In that moment, it dawned on her that they wanted to have that conversation with her. The birds and bees one.

Cassandra slowly nodded her head, realising how much her brothers were struggling with this conversation.

She smirked at how hard it was for them to form words and how extremely awkward this was for them. So she decided to help them out.

"It's fine you know..." Cassandra said casually as she picked at a loose hangnail. "...I have already done it so there's no need" she continued, completely picking off her hangnail and starting to pick on another one.

Her brothers let out a sigh of relief, but that relief only lasted for a couple of seconds before it dawned on them.

Cassandras blunt confession had now sunken in and their eyebrows shot upwards as their eyes got bigger.

"Wait what?" Jay started, not believing that his baby sister would have done it. "Cassandra? Have you had sex?" he asked, a look of disbelief on his face.

Not wanting to say it out loud again, she nodded her head before putting her face on a pillow and laughing into it. This was so embarrassing.

"Oh my god, Cassie" said Will, with that same look that Jay had. They both stared at you, regretting even insinuating this conversation.

There was only a minute long pause before Will jumped into doctor mode and started asking questions.

"Did you use contraception? Were you safe? Have you had the talk at school?" he rambled, bombarding you with questions.

Cassandra groaned, hugging the pillow to her chest, wanting nothing more than to jump in a hole and hide there forever.

She should just have kept her mouth shut and enjoyed looking at their embarrassed faces as they had their awkward talk.

"Will..." Jay said, looking at his older brother with a look of terror on his face. "...our little sister has done the deed" he continued, still sporting that same ridiculous expression.

Will groaned as he put his hands over his face, shaking his head as he struggled to grasp what he had just heard.

He couldn't believe that his little baby sister had grown up...and done grown up things. To him Cassandra was still that little child that said "yuck" every time someone kissed in front of her.

"What's his name?" Jay asked her, putting a hand over Wills mouth to stop him from rambling anymore. "The boy? What is his name?" Jay continued, looking over at you as Will slapped his hand away.

Cassandra froze in her spot on the sofa. Him. She couldn't say his name. Because there was no boy.

Could she tell them? Would they support her? She knew that they were totally okay with it, but what if?

What if they would kick her out if she told them? Jay seemed to notice the change in Cassandras body language as he crouched down in front of her, a deep frown on his face. He took her hand in his and smiled at her.

"We're not angry at you kiddo. It's just a shock and honestly hard to accept that you're growing up. You don't have to tell me his name but please, tell me if it was consensual" Jay said in a soft tone, his hand squeezing yours.

You felt Will put a calming hand on your shoulder and you took a deep breath.

"Promise me one thing?" Cassandra started, looking down on her free hand. "Please don't kick me out."

"Of course honey, we would never do that. You know that" Will said as she looked at him with a sad smile.

"It wasn't a boy. I like girls and I slept with my girlfriend not my boyfriend" Cassandra said, a quiet tear falling down her cheek, the pressure of keeping her relationship secret lifting from her shoulders.

Jay let out a breath of relief, having expected bad news, and his free hand wiped the single tear away from her cheek.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with that kiddo, you know that me and Will support it wholeheartedly. You are no exception my sweet, sweet girl" Jay explained to Cassandra and the smile on Cassandras face grew.

"Of course, we just want you to be happy. If that means that your Prince Charming is a Princess, then we are happy. No buts. We love you just as you are" Will continued, an expansion on Jays words.

He brought Cassandra closer to him in a hug, Jay joining in. She could smell their aftershaves and a calm sensation spread throughout her body. When she had her brothers, nothing could hurt her.

"Thanks, I really needed to hear that. Thank you for supporting me" Cassandra said as they broke up from their hug.

"Always and forever, never forget that" Jay and Will said in unison, the special phrase that they saved just for her.

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