Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

Her eyes rolled in playful exasperation as she deposited the bags onto the counter with practiced ease. "You should know by now that I always show up unannounced."

The exchange was familiar, a dance we had performed countless times before. "It's irritating," I conceded with a mock roll of my eyes, the scent of Thai cuisine wafting tantalizingly from within the bags.

Natalie and I settled onto the plush expanse of the couch, our bounty of takeout spread before us like a feast for weary travelers. As she perched herself across from me, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes, a harbinger of the playful banter that was sure to follow.

"Why are you so irritated by me showing up unannounced anyway?" Her words cut through the air with the precision of a well-honed blade, her tone laced with a hint of amusement. "Scared I'll barge in on you and Ivy having sex right here?" The jest hung in the air, a challenge wrapped in the guise of humor.

I coughed, a sudden and unbidden reaction to her audacity, my gaze flickering away in a futile attempt to evade her scrutiny. Natalie's brow furrowed inquisitively, her eyes boring into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Victoria, you two did have sex already, right?" The question hung in the air, a heavy with expectation, yet met only with silence.

Her food forgotten, Natalie moved closer, her presence a tangible weight at my side. "You're fucking with me," she declared, a note of incredulity coloring her tone.

I shook my head, a silent admission of the truth that lay heavy on my heart. Natalie's surprised scoff echoed in the confines of the room, a stark reminder of the divergence between my reality and her expectations.

"Vic, how do you have so much restraint?" Her words hung in the air, an accusation wrapped in a cloak of disbelief. "I mean, I had sex with her the same night we met."

A roll of my eyes masked the tumult of emotions roiling within, a futile attempt to shield myself from the weight of her judgment. "Don't remind me," I muttered, a bitter taste lingering on my tongue. The truth was, we hadn't yet crossed that threshold, a fact that filled me with a strange combination of pride and apprehension.

I knew the significance of the moment, the weight of expectation that hung heavy in the air like a shroud. Yet, amidst the anticipation, a nagging doubt gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Would Ivy understand my hesitance, or would she grow impatient with my perceived reluctance?

As the remnants of our meal disappeared into the confines of the kitchen sink, a sense of satisfaction settled over the room like a warm embrace. With practiced ease, I tended to Chai's needs, the rhythmic clink of his bowl against the floor a comforting backdrop to the quiet of the evening.

Settling back onto the familiar expanse of the couch, another glass of wine cradled in my grasp, I watched as Natalie emerged from the kitchen, her attention consumed by the glow of her phone screen. Her departure was as abrupt as her arrival, a whirlwind of energy that left a lingering sense of warmth in its wake.

"I'm off, I'll see you whenever I barge in again," she declared, her words punctuated by the playful cadence of her tone.

Setting aside my glass, I rose to meet her, arms enveloping her in a tight embrace. "Goodnight Nat, drive safe," I murmured, the words a whispered plea against the uncertainty of the night.

She released me with a scoff, her bravado a shield against the vulnerability that lurked beneath the surface. "Bitch, I'm always driving safe," she retorted, a playful kiss planted firmly on my cheek before she disappeared into the night.

With a sigh, I drained the remaining contents of my glass in a single gulp, the liquid fire of the wine igniting a warmth that spread through my veins. Placing the empty vessel in the sink, I called out to Chai, his eager form trailing close behind as I ascended the stairs to my bedroom.

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