All Things Come In Three's

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The Emerald Trio as they had started calling themselves were practising their stealth by following their target through the base. Making notes on everything the target does, who they meet and talk to, where they go. Copying their targets training routines and all stuff like that. They spent weeks doing this.

What the Trio did not realise was that they weren't exactly being stealthy. In fact they were utterly ridiculous looking but you paid them no mind and let them think what they wanted. You did however add in a few things to your routine to help get some additional training into them, like the extra training you did personally with Darq and Piston for your own hand to hand combat and defence. You'd even asked the elite's and Polycephaly to humour them and maybe throw in some extra training toward the Trio to keep them occupied a bit. You really didn't want a round the clock honour guard after all.

In addition to all that, their fashion sense sucked big time. So you arranged a visit with Tobias while Shade kept the Trio occupied with some random training one day.

"Tobias hon. I have an issue that only the Alliance's best dressed tailor can deal with."

Oooh do tell my dear. Come, sit. What can I do for my favourite organic?

You sit down with Tobias and show him a tablet with pictures of the Trio.

Oh dear me, these three have no idea how to dress do they? I'm guessing you want me to rustle something up?

"Please, and nothing too bright. They're actually trying to be stealthy in these pictures believe it or not. I was thinking black with a hint of green rather than that full bright neon green like they're wearing now, you know, tasteful not in your face. They've taken to calling themselves the Emerald Trio, hence all the green."

Yes darling, I quite see your point. Are these the three that...

"The three I somehow activated? Yes. Bayer was telling me that all the new units would imprint on the first thing they saw, which is usually their Titan, but in this Trio's case it was me. I swear, it's like ducklings. I've had to add in new stuff to my routine just to get them to learn some things so I can sneak off without them realising. They're starting to get worse than the Titan's were when I first activated their Core Forms. I've also had to enlist help from various places and you're now one of those."

No worries at all pet, I already have some ideas in mind for these three. Now, do you know their specs or do I need to bring them in? Actually, I think it might be better if I do bring them in. It would give you some time to yourself and I can spend some time teaching them about what and what not to wear, also how to be gentlemen. Don't you fret, we'll get these three looking and acting sharp in no time.

"Tobias, you are the best. When would you want me to lure them over?"

Oh you need do nothing at all my dear. Leave it with me. You won't see them tomorrow alright? You let me work my magic on these boys.

With that you give Tobias a massive hug in relief and go off to your next stop.

Over the next few days, the Trio had been pulled here, there and everywhere. They were looking a lot smarter and were quickly learning just how bad they'd been at what they thought they were good at. All three in matching black suits with an emerald green shirt and black ties. Polycephaly had taught Phil, the TV unit, how to teleport quicker, with less smoke and to be more precise in where he was teleporting to. Darq had taught Mackie, the Soundkind, some of his signature moves like how to drop from a height silently and how to track properly with sound waves. However Nik, the Cam Man, was learning things from Anzio rather than the hot headed Piston, mainly accurate long range shooting among some other things. They also all learnt combat skills that no ordinary Techfolk would usually get the opportunity to learn as well from the elites. Everything the Trio learned they shared between themselves and became quite the little squad together. They'd learnt to be truly stealthy now too, however they still had that one fixation... You.

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