That's how robot babies are made? (small non-con smut warning)

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Lads, you three ready for Activation Day next week? You'll probably need to stay in Titan form for just over 24 hours for it as well. We can't risk anything going wrong if you're not in your frames, we don't know what will happen and I don't want to experiment as with how the war's going right now, we need all the activations we can get. Bayer was at the workstation in your quarters making some notes. The three Titan's were in individual core forms today.

It's that soon? We'll be ready. Came the calm voice of Blue.

Anyone told Vex yet? Roth wondered aloud.

"Told Vex what?" You say as you walk into the room.

It's the trimonthly Activation Day next week. It's going to be pretty manic round here for a day or two.

"Activation Day? You guys have never told me anything about it or what it even is. And if this is every 3 months, you've hidden it well from me."

Ah well, You've seen the slightly smaller younger units yes?

"The kids? Yeah, I was wondering about them but I didn't want to ask just in case It was taboo or something."

Well, every quarter we have Activation Day. Older non-combat units spend the time between Activation Days building the smaller units with their partners and then the Titan's give out some of their core energy to activate them all individually. It's how we create new members of the three race's. It just takes time and energy for the Titan's to do hence having a whole day dedicated to it rather than just at random points.

"So each new unit has parents? Oh, that's hella sweet. Did not expect that one. Somehow I guess I kinda figured you guys just rolled off a conveyor somewhere and I didn't want to offend by asking."

You should've seen Polycephaly as a new unit. He was a pretty sweet little thing till he started picking up the attitude and bad language. He loved how the small Soundkind would bounce around him until he would let them climb up and hang off his sub screens. Roth giggled.

"Seriously? Poly? Sweet? I don't believe you. Though mind you, he WAS being nice when we had that party the other week. I guess it could happen."

Darq wasn't as serious either, he used to love pranking everybody. If I remember right, didn't he detach and hide one of Poly's sub screens one time which made Poly cry till Darq got too embarrassed and gave it back? Came from Big Red.

Oh yeah, I remember that. And Anzio nearly killed Piston cause he somehow found an old Skib shell and hid in it to scare her. She kept shooting the shell thinking it was alive. Blue reminisced.

"God I wish I'd met you guys a lot sooner. I would've loved to have seen all that happen. What about you Bayer? Any fun stories?"

Too many to count. But I need to get this done before I can start telling any of them. Got a lot of sorting out to do, find out who's bringing what etc etc. One thing I will say though, ask after Activation Day, remind me and I will tell you as many stories as you'd like to hear.

"Huh, sure. I've got some stuff to do today myself and I need to steal Big Red away for a bit if I can?"

Don't you want all of us Vex?

"No Blue, your turn will come later on, Roth and I have already had a discussion about what I need to talk to both you and Red here about. But I need to talk to you all individually to make sure you don't corrupt the one I'm focusing on first. Ok? It's nothing bad, I just want to confirm something. Think of it as another first time Core Expulsion like I had to do with all three of you guys."

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