Chapter 6 - Unfortunate Events

Start from the beginning

"Well, technically, it could have been your older brother if he hadn't married a year ago," his father retorts.

"This is preposterous! I refuse to comply with such an arrangement!" Jasper bellows at his father, his voice echoing through the chamber.

His father rises swiftly, closing the distance between them. "Do not dare to raise your voice to me!" his father retorts, his words reverberating through the house. Then, in a chillingly calm tone, he adds, "You will adhere to my commands, or face the consequences. I will strip you of your title and relegate you to a life among the common folk, to toil day and night for mere morsels."

"I would rather endure such a fate than succumb to your will!" Jasper retaliates defiantly.

His father chuckles, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "We both know you would not last a day in such circumstances. You have been coddled with a silver spoon since birth," he remarks, his words stinging with bitter truth. Jasper's expression twists into one of disdain, begrudgingly acknowledging the veracity of his father's words. "Listen, I do not relish playing the villain. I implore you to make this easier for us both."

Jasper stands in seething silence, his fury uncontainable. His father places a patronizing hand on his shoulder before exiting the room, leaving Jasper to stew in his anger

All Jasper desires at this moment is to escape. He strides toward his open window, but to his dismay, a guard stands at the base of the tree, exactly as his father promised. The guard looks up and offers a genial wave, to which Jasper responds with a sarcastic wave of his own before slamming the window shut.

Collapsing onto his bed, Jasper exhales a heavy sigh. Suddenly, he remembers the vodka. Hastily, he retrieves the bottle from his satchel and takes several swigs, grimacing at the taste for the first time in ages.

It is the next morning, and Adela finds herself perched on the stone fence of the Worthington home alongside Edith, Camila, and Katherine. Dark circles under her eyes betray the restless night she endured, her thoughts consumed by the events of the previous evening. Katherine and Camila engage in a spirited sibling argument in the background, their voices fading into a distant hum as Adela drifts into her reverie. Edith, observant as ever, notices the distant look in Adela's eyes.

"Adela," Edith calls out, but her words seem to fall on deaf ears. "Adela!" she repeats, her voice growing more insistent.

Startled, Adela snaps back to the present. "Pardon me, I had a wretched night's sleep," she murmurs, her voice heavy with exhaustion.

Edith scrutinizes her friend's appearance and remarks, "Good heavens, you look positively dreadful."

Camila interrupts her ongoing dispute with her sister to chide Edith. "Edith, must you always be so blunt? Can you not offer a kind word for once?" Her attention then shifts to Adela, concern etched on her features. "My dear, are you feeling unwell? You look positively peaky."

Katherine, curious, joins the conversation. "Surely it cannot be that dire," she remarks, peering around Camila to get a better look at Adela. However, her gasp of surprise suggests otherwise. "Oh my, it is quite serious. Are you feeling alright?"

Rolling her eyes, Adela dismisses their concerns. "I am merely fatigued, nothing more. There is no cause for alarm," she reassures them before changing the subject. "Now, pray tell, what has sparked this latest quarrel between you two?"

Benedict is keen on courting Katherine, there's no denying it. Yes, I confess I'm feeling a tad envious and somewhat beside myself, but that's a discussion for another time. Katherine is behaving quite childishly. She insists she wants naught to do with him. One of us ought to have taken the plunge with him, at least. Katherine, you've no say in the matter. He's a fine gentleman, handsome, and of a wealthy lineage," Camila asserts.

"Indeed, but Mama did grant me the choice," Katherine retorts.

"Yes, to unsuitable men or those prone to violence, not perfectly respectable suitors," Camila counters sharply.

"Camila! I do not harbor the same sentiments for him as you do. He is not the one destined for me. I seek genuine affection," Katherine responds with a touch of defiance.

Camila chuckles dismissively. "Goodness, have you been spending too much time with Edith? This notion of fairy-tale love you cling to is but a fanciful dream. You will marry a suitable man and learn to love him. It's time to grow up, Katherine."

The comment wounds Katherine deeply, her eyes welling with tears. Unable to bear being belittled further, she rises abruptly and departs without a word.

"Adela, surely you concur with me? She'll be under our parents' roof for the next fifty years, still holding out for this fantasy," Camila turns to Adela, seeking confirmation.

Adela, however, is too preoccupied to fully engage in the conversation. She rises, weariness weighing heavily upon her. "I'm truly too weary for this discussion. You ought to check on her well-being," she suggests to Camila, her mind elsewhere.

Camila sighs, a pang of guilt nudging her to mend the situation. She rises, resolved to apologize to her sister.

"Adela, you should rest," Edith advises gently.

Adela nods in agreement, making her way homeward. However, her path is intercepted by the sight of Jasper in the distance, causing her heart to quicken its pace. She moves closer, only to be halted by the sight of Jasper holding hands with a well-presented young woman. A sense of dismay washes over Adela as she listens in, hidden from their view, hoping to catch their conversation.

"Your crystal blue eyes glisten like my favorite lake, I burn to be acquainted with you the same I am with that lake," Jasper's smooth voice carries to Adela's ears.

"That is beautiful," the girl gushes in response.

Adela has heard enough. She sneaks by them, walking away quickly. As she walks, her eyes begin to water, and once she starts, she can't stop. Big tears begin streaming down her face, and she finds herself running as far as she can. She stops abruptly to catch her breath, but her body betrays her, collapsing to the ground. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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