Chapter 3 - Etiquette

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The next day the younger girls, Katherine and Edith, perch upon the steps of Katherine and Camila's splendid home. Katherine sits slightly elevated, assisting Edith in braiding her hair. As Katherine tends to her friend's locks, Edith engrosses herself in a book bestowed upon her by her mother, one detailing the etiquette befitting a proper young lady.

"A lady shall not be alone with a man," Edith recites from the book. "Well, that is quite absurd. What if one has a brother?"

Katherine chuckles softly. "I daresay a brother is not the sort of man the author refers to."

"This book seems rather nonsensical, does it not? Do men receive such guidance?" Edith inquires.

Unbeknownst to the girls, Benedict is just around the corner of the house. He had arrived to deliver vital letters from his father to Katherine and Camila's father, as they had recently engaged in business dealings. Benedict's father presides over the largest fabric manufacturing enterprise, while Katherine and Camila's father oversees a prestigious dress emporium frequented by all in the ton. Just as he prepares to depart, he catches wind of Katherine's voice and decides to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Indeed not. Men would scarcely peruse literature of this nature. Were there to exist an etiquette manual for men, it would likely entail directives such as..." Katherine adopts a deeper tone for emphasis. "A gentleman must master the art of strolling with a lady, a gentleman must hold open doors for a lady, and a gentleman must always complete his libation." This prompts Edith to erupt in laughter, joined by Benedict, though they remain unseen and unheard. "Cease your fidgeting, lest you disrupt the braid," Katherine chides.

"Forgive me," Edith interjects hastily. "Ah, I have it! A gentleman must be adept at charming a lady, with discretion."

"Quite unlike Benedict," Katherine remarks with a roll of her eyes.

"Benedict? What of him?" Edith queries, turning her gaze towards Katherine. However, Katherine averts her gaze to resume braiding, while Benedict edges closer upon hearing his name.

"Edith, remain still," Katherine commands.

Edith complies, fixing her gaze straight ahead. "Is Benedict not a gentleman?" she questions.

"Are not gentlemen meant to be genteel?" Katherine retorts.

Before their conversation can progress further, Benedict emerges from around the corner.

"Good afternoon, ladies," Benedict greets them with a wide smile. Despite Katherine's vexation, Benedict finds pleasure in hearing her speak of him.

"Hello, Lord Ackerley," the girls echo simultaneously, with Edith's tone pleasant and Katherine's bearing an added layer of annoyance.

"The weather is delightful, is it not, Katherine?" Benedict remarks, hoping to incite a response.

"Ms. Worthington," Katherine corrects him, her tone tinged with irritation. "I suppose."

Observing the exchange between Benedict and Katherine, Edith interjects, "I believe I shall take my leave."

"No!" Katherine's exclamation startles both Benedict and Edith. "I have not yet finished the braid."

"It is of no consequence; I am proficient in braiding," Edith replies.

"Must I be more explicit? Do not depart," Katherine insists.

Benedict furrows his brow. "Katherine, might I entice you to accompany me on a horse ride on a later day?"

"I fear I cannot. A lady should not find herself alone with a ...gentleman," Katherine repeats the maxim from Edith's book.

Summer 1818Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora