Chapter 6 - Unfortunate Events

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Jasper hastens his steps back to his carriage, endeavoring to maintain a discreet departure from the Lockhart household. He hadn't intended to escalate matters with Adela, yet he found himself losing control in her presence. Before re-entering the carriage, he quietly expresses gratitude to the one coachman he trusts to transport him clandestinely.

Upon arrival at the Creed estate, Jasper navigates through the familiar process of sneaking back inside. The tedious route involves skulking to the rear of the mansion and scaling the tall tree positioned just outside his bedroom window—a routine he has mastered through repeated practice. He hurries across the manicured backyard, reaching the familiar tree in a matter of minutes. Utilizing the natural grooves formed from his previous ascents, he swiftly climbs to his window and slips inside, exhaling a breath of relief. However, his relief is short-lived as he discovers his father seated at his desk chair, sending color draining from his face as he stands frozen in place.

"Son, we need to talk," his father declares.

Jasper examines his father, assessing the situation. First, he gauges his father's level of intoxication, mindful of the numerous drinks consumed at the Lockhart's welcome back dinner. His father has a tendency to become confrontational when inebriated, and Jasper hopes to avoid any further altercations; fortunately, his father doesn't appear overly intoxicated. Second, he devises an exit strategy in case tensions escalate. With his father positioned too close to the bedroom door, Jasper plans his contingency route: through the window, the same way he entered.

After a moment of internal deliberation, Jasper responds cautiously, "Yes, father."

"Firstly, I will be stationing a guard at the base of that tree to prevent any further secret excursions," his father announces sternly.

"How did you find out?" Jasper inquires, genuinely curious. He prides himself on his stealth, making the revelation perplexing.

"The groundskeeper reported indentations in the tree consistent with climbing. I simply deduced its location and filled in the blanks," his father explains matter-of-factly. Jasper inwardly chides himself for such a rookie mistake. "But that is beside the point. I have come here for an entirely different reason."

A look of bewilderment crosses Jasper's face. What could his father possibly want to discuss?

"I observed the way you were regarding the Lockhart girl. While I have no qualms with their family, you cannot pursue courtship with her," his father asserts firmly.

That was the last thing Jasper ever expected his father to say. Never before had he mentioned anything about the women Jasper associated himself with.

"Excuse me?" Jasper asks, taken aback.

"Do not go near that girl," his father says, his tone tinged with threat.

"I do not understand. You have never spoken of a woman in this manner," Jasper replies, perplexed.

"Allow me to clarify. As I mentioned earlier, I hold their family in high regard. I do not suggest severing ties with them entirely, but if it is simpler for you to cease your association with the girl, I would understand," his father explains, his words stoking a growing fury within Jasper. "Son, the truth of the matter is, I am in negotiations with the Moore family. They have rendered significant assistance to us, and in return, they expect my most eligible son to wed their only daughter upon her 18th birthday."

There is a heavy silence, the tension palpable in the room.

"You cannot be serious," Jasper murmurs to himself as he paces the chamber. "You have essentially sold me off."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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