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Love is a flame, not a cage.
Possessiveness suffocates, it doesn't engage.

At 1 pm sharp, Ekim made her way to the lobby, her heart racing with anticipation. Kanat was already there, leaning against the marble column, his eyes fixed on her. He smiled, and her heart skipped a beat.
"Shall we?" he asked, offering his arm.
Ekim took it, feeling a spark of electricity as their skin touched. They walked out of the building, into the bright sunlight, and Kanat led her to a sleek black car waiting by the curb. " Kanat slid into the driver's seat, his eyes never leaving Ekim's face. "Buckle up," he said, his voice low and husky. Ekim felt a shiver run down her spine as she fastened her seatbelt. Kanat started the car, and they glided out of the city. The silence between them was electric, charged with tension and anticipation. Ekim couldn't help but wonder what Kanat had planned, where they were going. As they drove, Kanat's grip on her hand tightened. "You know, Ekim, I saw Emre looking at you today," he said, his voice low and husky. Ekim's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?" she asked, playing innocent.  Kanat's eyes narrowed. "Don't play dumb, my love. I know Emre's type. He's always chasing after beautiful women, and I won't let him near you."
Ekim felt a surge of excitement at Kanat's possessiveness. "Kanat, you're being ridiculous. Emre is just a client," she said, trying to reassure him. But Kanat's jealousy was palpable. "I know his kind, Ekim. He thinks he can just waltz in and take what's mine? No way. You're my wife, and I won't let anyone come between us." Ekim's heart raced as Kanat's hand tightened around hers. She knew she had to calm him down before things got out of hand. "Kanat, please. You're being paranoid. Emre is just a business acquaintance. There's nothing more to it," she said, trying to soothe him.
But Kanat's eyes were blazing with intensity. "I won't let anyone threaten our marriage, Ekim. No one." The car fell silent, the tension between them palpable. Ekim knew she had to tread carefully, or risk unleashing Kanat's full fury... But she also wanted to push his buttons. Ekim's voice was gentle, but probing. "Kanat, why are you so jealous? What's driving this possessiveness?" Kanat's grip on her hand relaxed slightly, but his eyes still burned with intensity. "Because I know what I have, Ekim. I have the most beautiful, intelligent, and captivating woman by my side. And I won't let anyone take that away from me."
Ekim's heart fluttered at his words, but she pressed on. "But Kanat, you have nothing to worry about. I am your wife and he knows it very well. Emre is just a client, a business acquaintance. There's no threat to our marriage." Kanat's expression softened, and he looked away, his jaw clenched. "I know, Ekim. Logically, I know that. But sometimes... sometimes the thought of anyone else near you, touching you, talking to you...it drives me mad."
Ekim's voice was firm, her eyes flashing with anger. "Kanat, I understand that you're jealous, but I'm not a gold digger. I know the boundaries I've set for myself, and I won't let anyone cross them." Kanat's expression turned defensive. "I'm just trying to protect you, Ekim. I don't want anyone taking advantage of you." Ekim's anger surged. "Protect me? You're not protecting me, Kanat. You're suffocating me. Your possessiveness is choking me. I'm not a possession, I'm a person with my own thoughts and feelings." Kanat's face darkened. "You're my wife, Ekim. I have a right to be concerned about who you're with." Ekim's voice rose. "Concerned? You're not concerned, Kanat. You're controlling. And I won't stand for it. I made it clear when we got married that I wouldn't be owned by anyone. I'm your partner, not your property." The car fell silent, the tension between them crackling like electricity. Kanat's face was rigid with anger, but Ekim refused to back down. She knew she had to stand up for herself, or risk losing who she was in this marriage...
After sometime when he didn't reply Ekim's eyes welled up with tears, her happiness from the morning now a distant memory. She gazed out the window, her voice barely above a whisper. "I was so happy this morning, Kanat. I thought we had a beautiful moment last night...but now...now I feel like I'm trapped." Kanat's expression softened, but he said nothing, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. Ekim's tears began to fall, her voice cracking. "I thought we were connecting, that we were building something real. But your possessiveness...it suffocates me. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells, never knowing when you'll snap." Kanat's grip on the wheel tightened, his jaw clenched. Ekim's tears flowed freely now, her body shaking with sobs. "I can't do this, Kanat. I can't keep living like this. I deserve better. I deserve to be loved, not owned." The car fell silent, the only sound Ekim's quiet sobs, her heart breaking into a million pieces... Kanat's face remained rigid, but his eyes betrayed a flicker of pain. He knew he had gone too far, but his own insecurities and fears had taken over. The car pulled up to a stoplight, and Kanat finally broke the silence. "Ekim, my love, please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just can't bear the thought of losing you."
Ekim's tears slowed, her eyes still brimming with pain. "You're not losing me, Kanat. You're pushing me away. Your possessiveness is suffocating me, and I can't breathe anymore in this car. You are talking about my character!!!" The light turned green, and Kanat drove on, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. The silence between them was heavy, the tension palpable.
After a few minutes, Kanat spoke up, his voice soft.V"Ekim, I trust your character. I know you're a good person, with a beautiful heart. But it's not you I don't trust...it's the world out there. The men who would love to get their hands on you, to take you away from me." Ekim's expression softened, seeing the fear behind Kanat's words. "Kanat, you can't control everything. You can't lock me up and keep me away from the world. That's not a life, that's a prison."
Kanat's face tightened, his jaw clenched. "I know that, Ekim. But the thought of someone else touching you, looking at you...it drives me mad. I can't help it."
Ekim's voice was gentle, but firm. "Kanat, you need to learn to trust me, to trust us. We're in this together, as partners. Not as prisoner and jailer." Kanat's eyes dropped, his shoulders slumping in defeat. Kanat's voice cracked, his eyes welling up with tears. "Ekim, I'm scared of losing you. After what happened to Sürreya... I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you too."
Ekim's expression softened, her heart aching at the pain in Kanat's eyes. "Kanat, I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere. What happened to Sürreya was a tragedy, but we can't let fear control us." Kanat's face contorted, his emotions raw. "But I can't help it, Ekim. The thought of living without you... it's unbearable. You're my everything." Ekim's voice was gentle, her words a balm to Kanat's soul. "And you're mine, Kanat. We're in this together. We'll face whatever comes our way, as long as we have each other." The car drove on, the silence between them now filled with a sense of understanding, a sense of hope that their love could overcome even the darkest fears....

After lunch at a quaint little bistro, Kanat and Ekim strolled hand in hand, enjoying the warm sunshine and each other's company.  "You know, Ekim, every moment with you is a gift. You make my life so much brighter." Kanat said with a smile.

Ekim smiled back at him. "I'm really happy to be here with you, Kanat. It's feels so comfortable here"  "I'm so lucky, Ekim. You bring so much joy and love into my life. I can't imagine a future without you." He said gently looking into her eyes.

Ekim looked down, because she don't want him to see her cheeks flushing "Let's just enjoy the present, okay? I'm really happy right now." Kanat's face lit up with a warm smile. He leaned in, his lips brushing against Ekim's in a soft, loving kiss. Ekim's eyes closed, her heart racing with excitement, but she didn't want to reveal her true feelings just yet. As they pulled back, Kanat whispered, "I love you, Ekim."
Ekim smiled shyly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I care about you too, Kanat." He liked her response, at least she was not saying that she don't like him. He loved her from bottom of his heart and now he don't want to miss any opportunity to leave her side or show him his love for her. Their lips met again, this time with a sweet, tender kiss that left them both smiling and lost in each other's eyes. As they continued their stroll, hand in hand, the world around them seemed filled with magic and wonder, but Ekim's heart held a secret, hidden behind her shy smile. The secret of love feelings for kanat....

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