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"Why do you care so much?" 

That's what pissed me off. Her saying that as if I don't have no reason to care. Maybe she's right, maybe I do care more than I should. I just wanted my damn coffee not some bitch asking me questions that would set me the fuck off. 

I shouldn't have taken it out on her but she needs to know to not get into things she doesn't belong in. I was trying to be a good person to show her I'm not a monster, contrary to what she might think. In trying to make things better, I made them worse. I just wanted things to be somewhat bearable after the while incident when I accused her of taking someone else's designs.

I care so much because I don't want what happened to my sister happen to her.

My sister was young, naive and ignorant when she was killed. She married a man who had cheated on her with multiple women, beaten her, lied to her and God knows what else. She had a baby with him at nineteen. She ruined her life and then at twenty two she was shot and killed by her husband. He killed himself and I have no idea what happened to the kid. 

It's weird to think that my niece or nephew would be five by now. I never met the kid, I was always to busy and now -well I guess I regret it. I've never been the type of person to regret anything. I decide not to go to the office but instead leave the building all together. If I wasn't in the office Annalise was more likely to check the roof to see if I was smoking. I was to annoyed to have to deal with her right now so I decided to smoke in a nearby park.

I saw a little girl skipping around picking flowers. She was holding a teddy bear and was singing to herself but I tried to brush it off and ignore it. I wasn't a fan of annoying things and that is exactly what I would call this situation.


Annalise needed to stay out of things for her own good, I was already tired of all the shit in my life without having to deal with her. I haven't had a decent beer in close to two weeks, I haven't had any sort of drug in over a month and I ended things with Clara. All of my coping mechanisms were no longer available to me. I couldn't drink, I couldn't do drugs and it had been three days since I had last had sex and I've been around women in short skirts. 

I couldn't deal with Clara. She was annoying, obnoxious and to loud whenever I tried to turn myself on. She was nothing special just a stress reliever and when I told her that, I nearly lost my job. 

I light the cigarette and bring it to my mouth but just as I do, I hear the familiar sound of high heels hitting the ground and I knew immediately that it was Annalise. "I thought you quit." I don't look up at her but telling by her voice I know she's concerned and pissed off. A combination I never wanted to deal with in a woman. "Can I have my drink?" I say, looking up at her and meeting her eyes. She handed me my drink and I gladly took it but her hand didn't go away. She was handing me my credit card.

When the hell did I lose that

"Who the hell are you?" She asks as I take my credit card out of her hand. "Andrew Choi." I respond, taking a sip of my coffee. "I know who you are. What I mean is how can you have that card and work here." I can tell by her voice that she practices this conversation in the bathroom mirror before coming out here. 

"Are you saying that just because I'm rich, I can't work in certain places?" I don't meet her eyes but I could tell that my words made something turn in her brain and made her think about it. "I want to know why you work here when you don't have to. You clearly can work wherever you want so why here?" I take another sip of my coffee and ignore her question. 

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