Why should I care?

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Working with him had to have been the most annoying thing in the world. Yesterday, we had to prepare a presentation on a new magazine. He sat there for two and a half hours playing with a Rubix cube that he had already solved four times. I was trying to come up with a title and add a few details about our company and its new spring collection and he corrected me every single time.

By the time 5:00 rolled around, he was nowhere to be found. It wasn't until I checked the sheet for when people clock in and out, did I find out that he had left for the day. Andrew Choi was insufferable to say the least.

When the day of the presentation came around, I found out that he had a little conversation with the owner of the company saying that I "was of no help in the presentation making process." He was a liar, self centered, rude, manipulative man who I didn't want to work with anymore. But I love this job more than anything in the world. It was the only thing I actually had left and I refused to let some man take it away. If he wanted to play dirty, I could play dirty. So I did the only thing a logical person would do.

I reported him.

I made my way to the CEO's office when I knew Andrew would be on his lunch break. He was only given a thirty minute lunch break but he took an hour and a half instead. The CEO was a woman so I'm sure she would understand that I feel "unsafe and uncomfortable around him."

She never normally kept her door locked, her policy was that everyone should know her door was always open. That's another reason I enjoyed working here, she was an amazing and fair boss. Plus the pay was great and that's difficult to find in New York. I loved working here because this is something I enjoyed doing. I opened the door to her office and saw something I could never un see.

Ms.Walker, the CEO, with her legs spread and one up to Andrew's waist with her pulling on his tie to pull him closer to her. Her lipstick was all over his neck and face and three of his shirt buttons were undone. I was completely speechless. "Ms.Evans, I am so sorry!" Ms.Walker said when her droopy eyes flickered over to my widened ones. She pushed Andrew away and got off of her desk, adjusting her skirt. Andrew's eyes were fixated on her, his eyes filled with lust. This is something they've been doing for a while. Andrew buttoned up his shirt and fixed his tie and his pants so the bulge in his pants was less evident. He brushed past me as he went to go leave the office. I turn and run after him-well not run because I was wearing heels but powerwalk- as he made his way to the elevator. "What the hell were you thinking?!" I whisper yell at him. 

"I was thinking I could have something to do in privacy but apparently that's to much to ask." He responds in a tone of voice I've heard from him way to often. Harshness. "Where you thinking you could sleep your way to the top?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "No I was thinking about getting some sort of release from the stress I've been having." He doesn't do a damn thing, he shouldn't be the one with stress. "Andrew she's like sixty seven!" I shout at him, loud enough for people to hear and turn to look at us in disgust.

"She's fifty eight, dumbass, and thank you so much for making everyone think I'm into old women." He scoffed before pressing the button for the elevator. "You are into old women." I remark. "I'm not I just did it because I was bored. I don't even like her, she's an awful kisser." "The bulge in your pants tells a different story." I spit. He rolls his eyes. The elevator dings and opens, he walks in, his tall frame nearly reaching the top of it. I join him in the elevator. "Look, I'm flattered that you're jealous-" he starts but I instantly interrupt before he can finish the sentence. "I am not jealous. I can barely even tolerate you, do you really think I would be attracted to you?"

He was attractive. For one thing he was tall, he had black curly hair, deep green eyes and dark skin, but I refused to admit that to him. His jaw was sharp which is so my type. But I was too hard headed to admit that to him.

"That helped my ego a lot, thanks." He said, his jaw clenched and the frustration clear on his face. Everything got so silent. Did I hurt his feelings? No that's not possible, he didn't have those.

The elevator got to our floor and he left but instead of turning right, which is the way to get to our office, he went left and he looked mad. I got out and took a right to our office, not wanting to deal with his shit at the moment. I don't need this. I am a grown woman, I don't need this stuff right now. I have my own things to deal with other than his drama.

When I get to my office I can smell his overpowering, expensive cologne. It was t that bad but it was still there and I've never liked those kinds of scents. It reminded me way too much of my father. I never liked thinking of my parents. They died when I was twelve but even before that I hated them. They were abusive and toxic. I resented them. When I got the phone call that they had died I didn't feel anything. I was upset, they were my parents but even then.

 Just because your blood doesn't mean you know one another. 

But I missed them. God, I need to get out of this office and clear my head. 

I go to the roof of the building only to be greeted by the smell of smoke. I turn my head to see Andrew smoking. It was a disgusting habit yet it didn't seem to bother Ms.Walker if she had her tongue down his throat. I walk over to him and try not to cough when the smoke hits me in the face. 

"That could kill you." I mutter. "Don't give a damn." He hums. 

How could you not care about your own health? Who am I to talk I haven't eaten in three days?

I just wish he cared. But if he doesn't, I don't care either.

Simple as that.


I feel like the ending was a little bad compared to the rest of the chapter but I hope you sl, enjoyed.

I'll be uploading another chapter tomorrow because I have a couple in the vault!

Love you guys!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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