Chapter 7 - Hunted

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"Where are they, we've been running for hours!" Zachary groaned, running through the street.

"Try three minutes. and please stop complaining, we gotta stay alert for any enemies or friends." Cameryn responded.

"It just feels like we've been running around in circles."

"I think it's because we have been." Jester pointed out as the destruction they had left from the attack from the creatures.

Zachary dropped to the ground in annoyance whilst Hannah and Cameryn sighed in annoyance. Jester, paying no attention to the three of them, walked up to the pile of goo left behind from his destruction. The goo appears to be bubbling and slowly moving together.

"Guys, remember how Protector said that Evil could regenerate himself."

"Yeah, why is that important?" asked Hannah.

"Well, I think those creatures are made of the same thing, and we should probably start running before they reform again."

As the four began to run away, the goo remains of the creatures formed into an even larger creatures that was taller than all other buildings in the area and wide enough to consume the entire width of the street.

"Crap what are we gonna do?" Jester yelled, slowly falling behind.

"We're gonna lose this thing somehow." Zachary responded, grabbing Jester and placing him on his shoulder. "That thing may be big, but is still kinda slow. Find an alleyway or something that it won't be able to see or fit through."

Turning the corner, Hannah signalled the others into an alleyway with a large empty bin. They all dived into it and just escaped the glare of the beast scanning through the alleyway sit zoomed by.

"That was a close one." Cameryn sighed with relief. "I don't think we would've out ran that thing."

"Before we get too carried away, we gotta check on the others." Hannah reminded. "If we were spotted, there's everyone chance they have been too."

Hannah turned on her watch and spoke into it. "Are you alright? We had a very close encounter."

The only voice that came through on the other end was Adam's, who sounded like he was in a rush whilst slightly panicked. "Glad to hear you guys are alright, but the rest of us aren't too good. Kaedan and Protector are dealing with this guy called Enigma to reach the controls, while I'm headed for Riley and Niamh as they're in trouble."

"We'll come find you and help, tell us where you are."

Protector and Kaedan stared down Enigma, who stood between them and the door to the base. the only person between them and gaining a victory. 

"Enigma, why are you siding with Evil." Protector asked with a small amount of anger. "You know he's evil and he'll betray you the first chance he gets."

"If you must know, he's promised me a home where I'm accepted." Enigma snapped. "You don't understand the pain I've gone through. Been cast aside by everyone else just cause of my powers. Bullied for it. There are powers out there that are stupid, yet my powers are somewhat cool, but I'm bullied for it."

"I'm aware, but I can help find you a better home. Im sure there's other world's out there that would love your accompany."

"I'm sure everyone in my world accept you, especially my friends." Kaedan offered.

"I've already made up my mind, and I'm not changing it."

With no warning, Enigma leapt at Protector and knocked him to ground. Before Kaedan had a second to react, he was slammed into a nearby tree. he just barely noticed Enigma charging at him to pull out his spear and block it.

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