burning the past

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As she watched the flames burn the old photographs of her life , she did not shed a single tear. why should she? there was nothing left that she  wanted or desired . her boyfriend left her for some other chick  and he broke up with her over text. How rude , even more her  parents got divorced and she  had to live with her father who did not even bother with her . Sure she had Jessica and Raymond to keep her sanity, but she felt like her world was crumbling .   she went home with Jessica after a long day , "Hazzle , call me if you need anything ok?" Jessica said after dropping Hazzle at her house "ok Jessica " Hassle reassured her after stepping out of her mustang. She waved at Hazzle as her car drove away, she slowly went into her home. she looked around the kitchen great her dad forgot to clean the dishes , Hazzle grumbled as she filled the tub with soapy water and soaked the dishes, after she  washed it she put it in the dish dryer.   Then she cleaned the living room with a dustpan and a vacuum. After that Hazzle cooked dinner and did her  phycology homework along with math and Geology.  she heard a knock on the door , "Hazzle it's  your father open the door" so she opened it. He walked in "Hazzle did you make dinner ? Did you do your homework?" he inquired. "Yes Dad" she said with rolling her eyes , he sat down and ate the hamburger that i made . He wiped his mouth with a napkin and made a mess when he ate. she sat on the other end of the table with my hamburger. He then said "So Jessica how is college and work" she sighed "It's going ok , dad ." He replied with an oh and then fished his meal and went to take use the bathroom and take a shower.  she fished her meal right after then she  cleaned up and then her father came out wearing his pajamas and went to watch American idol. He loves that show but Hazzle does not so after she cleaned up , she went to take a nice warm shower and put on her nightgown. Then right after she went right to bed.

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