Chapter 8: Chaos Will Region Today!

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Gabriel Agreste was a strict uptight man both in appearance and personality. In his private life it was very much the same, maybe even worse. It was said he was more of a happy carefree gentleman in the past before his wife's shocking and mysterious death. Now he had become the cold machine not at all likely to leave the house and ran his brands and businesses from home. That was pretty much the same for the alter identity Hawkmoth.

The day for his normal self was the same as always. The day for Hawkmoth was also the same with his plans coming along well but had missed out on an opportunity to akumatize two kids at his son's school. Chloe who he had begun a useful pawn in part of his grand plan and the other seemed to be a new kid. In a civilian way the two were lucky but for Hawkmoth it was a missed step toward a complete family. The Boy did seem a bit odd or different then anyone who he had encountered before but that could have been the fact that he was new to Paris.

He was watching out the window at the moonlite skyline of Paris. He had recently taken to watching out the windows, especially this one. He could see off in the distance where the heroes would meet before and after patrols. It was far enough to where they could see him at the window or for him to hear but close enough to know when their patrols ended. This information was now going to be another nail to their demise and a point for him. And tonight he was going to strike while Iron was hot.

He had noticed that one of the heroes was in distress after the meeting. If she wasn't asleep he could attack her revealing the identity of another Ladybug ally. If she was asleep then not to worry, there were plenty of restless kids who could attack while the guardians of Paris were off duty.

He went to his office where he had a secret elevator to access his lair. By the time the elevator arrived at the lair he had already transformed into Shadowmoth. He figured he would use both of them now. Maximum damage, Maximum outrage.

He looked for negative emotions. He sadly was unable to find Multi- Mouse feelings but he found the penalty of restless children.

"Perfect," he said, preparing several Akumas for attack.

An army of Gremlins creatures will do. He had something like this with one child but over a dozen, it would take Ladybug and the other almost all night to get them all. Plus, with the attacks happening while they slept there could be a possibility that ladybug and the others wouldn't wake up in time to revise the damage and in turn creating the largest missing person case in history.

"Fly my Akuma's fly and evilize my new army." He cried as he released his airborne attacker to invade Paris.

Shadowmoth checked his watch.


Peter had woken up suddenly. It wasn't because of some bad dream; it was something else. He checked his clock.

"5:20 AM." it read.

He heard something running like a little animal down the hall outside his room. They didn't own any pets. He quickly grabbed a weapon from the corner. A replica Lightsaber of Luke Skywalker. He crept to the door and put his hand on the knob. He took the time to gather the courage to open the door. When he was ready, he slowly opened the door and looked down the dim hallway. It was a mess, pictures that were on the wall were knocked down with claw marks on the wall. Any drawers or cubbies with any contents were thrown all over. He sensed something down the hall and heard the sound objects being dug through. Thieves no doubt. He turned the lightsaber on which quickly washed the hall in lime green light. The light revealed more of the mess in the house and the creature with little glasses trashing the hallway closet.

"Hey!" He shouted.

The creature turned. Peter pointed the light at it.

"Get the hell out!" He said in a menacing tone.

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