+ I / what a real hero looks like

Start from the beginning

Momo's smile widened as she leaned forward, excitement evident in her voice. "Well, for starters, my new hero costume!" she exclaimed.

"Huh?" Kirishima's brow furrowed in confusion.

"How did he help with that?" Tsuyu's curiosity was piqued, her expression reflecting genuine interest.

"Well, he's the one who designed it, of course!" Momo's tone was filled with pride as she revealed the surprising truth.

The revelation left her classmates stunned, their eyes widening in disbelief.

"I beg your pardon?" Jirou's voice was tinged with astonishment, her usual calm demeanor momentarily shaken by the unexpected revelation.

Kirishima snorted in disbelief, his eyebrows shooting up. "Oh yeah, how'd you get him to do that?" he asked incredulously.

Momo's smile widened as she shook her head. "I didn't do anything," she replied honestly. "He came to me on his own and offered to help with the designs."

Her classmates exchanged surprised glances, struggling to process this new information.

"He willingly helped you?" Tsuyu's voice held a hint of disbelief.

Momo nodded. "Yes, he did," she confirmed. "And not just with my costume. He's been supportive and encouraging during training sessions, offering constructive criticism and pushing me to improve."

Her words hung in the air, leaving her classmates speechless as they contemplated this newfound perspective on Bakugou.

Mineta's laughter echoed through the room, a mocking tone underlying his words. "He's probably just trying to get in your pants," he quipped, amusement evident in his voice.

Momo's laughter joined Mineta's, but it held a different quality, one tinged with amusement rather than mockery. Her classmates exchanged confused glances, unsure of the joke they were missing.

As the laughter subsided, Momo wiped away a tear of amusement and shook her head. "Actually, it's quite the opposite," she admitted, her tone serious now.

Curiosity replaced confusion as her classmates leaned in, eager to hear her explanation.

"He's helped me countless times with perverts and creeps," Momo continued, her voice steady as she recounted instances where Bakugou had come to her aid, his actions driven by genuine concern rather than ulterior motives.

The boys' expressions shifted from shock to concern as they listened intently to Momo's words. "Are you okay?" Kirishima asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. "You should have called for help."

Momo shook her head, her expression somber. "It's not just me," she replied quietly. "Girls are constantly being harassed, and unfortunately, it's not a rare occurrence. It's a sad truth that many of us have to deal with."

Her words hung heavy in the air, a sobering reminder of the challenges that many women faced on a daily basis.

"You still should have called for someone," Tenya said, hands moving as he spoke.

Tenya's comment hung in the air, tinged with an implication that Momo was too weak to handle the situation on her own. Some of the other boys nodded in agreement, echoing his sentiment. But before they could continue, Momo interjected, her voice firm and unwavering.

"I didn't need to call someone because Bakugou helped me in a different way," she asserted, her tone cutting through the murmurs of the boys. "He didn't treat me like I was frail or incapable. Instead, he gave me confidence and reassurance that I could handle myself."

Her words resonated with the girls in the room, who erupted into cheers and applause.

"I wish more guys were like him, seriously!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"I'm totally gonna look at him differently now. Go Bakugou!" Jirou laughed.

They praised Bakugou for being a shining example of what men should strive to be—supportive, empowering, and respectful. As the cheers subsided, the boys exchanged sheepish glances, humbled by the realization that strength came in many forms, and Bakugou embodied them all.

As Bakugou entered the room, the atmosphere shifted, and a hush fell over the previously bustling common area. With every step he took, all eyes were on him, drawn by a magnetic force that seemed to emanate from his presence alone. Momo's smile widened as Bakugou approached, her gaze following his movements with admiration.

Without missing a beat, Bakugou casually ruffled Momo's hair as he passed by her, a small gesture that spoke volumes about their camaraderie. As he continued on his way, the room remained silent, filled with a newfound respect and admiration for the explosive hero-in-training. Bakugou had effortlessly commanded their attention and left them all in awe of his presence.

boy saviour / katsuki & momoWhere stories live. Discover now