+ I / what a real hero looks like

153 10 4

plus one !
word count: 1300

im not saying that any of the mha characters are sexist, just maybe a little oblivious^^


The common room buzzed with animated chatter as the students of Class 1-A settled in for their evening downtime. Groups formed naturally, discussing everything from upcoming exams to the latest hero gossip. As the conversation turned to which of their classmates would be the most successful in dealing with civilians, one name dominated the discussion: Izuku Midoriya.

"He's got the perfect hero demeanor," Ochaco remarked, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "He's so kind and selfless. I can totally see him being everyone's favorite hero."

Nods of agreement rippled through the group, with many voices chiming in to sing Midoriya's praises. But just as the conversation seemed to be settling on a unanimous decision, Mina Ashido's voice cut through the chatter like a knife.

"What about Bakugou?" she interjected, her tone bold and defiant. "I mean, sure, he's got a bit of a temper, but you can't deny his strength and determination. Plus, he's got that whole 'bad boy' vibe going on."

A ripple of laughter swept through the room at Mina's suggestion, accompanied by a chorus of skeptical murmurs. Bakugou, the favorite hero? It seemed like a laughable notion to many of his classmates, who couldn't help but picture the explosive blonde's fiery temper and abrasive attitude.

But Mina remained undeterred, her expression determined as she defended her classmate. "Seriously, guys, think about it," she urged, her voice rising above the din. "Bakugou may not be the friendliest guy around, but when it comes down to it, he's got what it takes to be a great hero. You just wait and see."

Denki's laughter echoed through the common room, his grin widening as he glanced around at his classmates. "Bakugou? Seriously?" he chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes.

Momo's voice cut through the laughter, her tone calm but determined as she spoke up for the first time in the conversation. "I'd have to disagree with you, Kaminari," she said, her words laced with a newfound confidence. "Bakugou may not be the most approachable, but there's more to him than meets the eye."

The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards Momo, surprise written on the faces of her classmates. Even Denki seemed taken aback by her sudden assertiveness.

"How?" Iida's voice was skeptical, his frown deepening as he pushed up his glasses. "Bakugou's attitude towards others has always been... less than unkind."

"And downright villainous," Mineta added with a snicker, nodding in agreement with Iida's assessment.

Momo met their skeptical gazes head-on, refusing to back down.

"Don't you think you're being unkind right now? You're no better than the allegations you hold upon Bakugou." Momo replies smugly.

Momo's confident retort hung in the air, leaving her classmates momentarily speechless. It was as if a new side of her had emerged, one they hadn't seen before.

Sero, always up for a challenge, raised an eyebrow at Momo's assertion. "Oh yeah? Plead your case. Prove that Bakugou would be so good as a hero."

Momo's posture remained firm as she crossed her arms, her expression unwavering. "He's helped me multiple times, you know," she stated firmly, her voice carrying a hint of conviction.

"How?" Ochako's question was filled with genuine curiosity, her tone softer than before, lacking any trace of malice. She leaned forward, eager to hear Momo's explanation. It was a stark contrast to the skepticism that had filled the room just moments ago.

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