CHAPTER 2: Choices have Consequnces

Start from the beginning


There is no reason, you should always know that there are decisions that are difficult to make.


Probably the government of here that allowed no information so people will not know... That's why we are here to look for these dinosaurs from any person or company wants to catch them, helping your father is true because we are friends but we don't work with your father.


Well it's time to get out of here... Ah, Chris please this matter remains between us, and I don't want your family to find out about this. They will not understand this.


Trust me I'm good at keeping secrets. Logan...keep those pieces they will need it. I kept them all this time thinking if they served me but here they are.Logan saves the pieces of egg in his backpack


No matter those pieces...The important thing is to find him alive and healthy. He is very smart.


Yes I have made mistakes in my life and I solve its way


Let's keep talking outside

Chris, Owen and Logan leave the room and go outside to continue look for Albert in search of a clue.


The Dr.Jost failure to teach the LAB his masterpiece, but because of Chris and Albert's abilities, he had no luck finding him, however he called a NEGOTIATOR with the objective of bringing the dinosaur and not electing him for his investigations, that negotiator is the ex-worker of INGEN Nicholas Forelli, 40 years old, he arrived in 2 days to visit the city. Without knowing that he is a serious man to fulfill this deal not knowing that he is actually a FOSSIL DEALER and collector of RARE SPECIES.

Guards of Dr.Jost enter the tent. They put their tranquilizer RIFLES in the corner by openingthe tent door present his name: Elliot Woods, 28 years old


Sir, I have to warn you that don't forget that important meeting will be ready in 20 minutes, zero news this timejust some little animals enter here.


Great, now I need you to get out of here I am busy with this analysis in the paw print of that Albert and the behavior of the crocs cause as soon as I have a personal call.


Yes sir no problem, I will leave you alone and I forget something to tell you if you need me just find me.

BIP! BIP!Incoming call rings in the laptop...

Jost grabs the call featuring Nicholas Forelli, the negotiator


Hey, Mr. Forelli nice to meet you face to face...

FORELLI (Talking by phone)

It's a pleasure to meet you face to face with you Dr.Jost. We are waiting of some information about your studies in your lab in your laboratory, anyway...


Thank you for your words and of course I am doing well in my studies, almost complete by 80%, we are still a little to finish with the analysis in the alligator since itsbehavior is extremely aggressive, at this moment it is stable. So they already have their equipment ready?


Yes, I will send you some of my colleagues from the company to give you more support in your studies and also there are more things...


And what thing? By the way, where are going to meet? I want to know everything you have with your DNA research and form a great team. Also I would love to receive you at the museum and see your developments that you made with your team.


As soon as I can, I will arrive at the camp to see your final results go to the museum with the team there will have a lot of talk about ...and Congratulations.

Forelli clicks at the end of the call from his laptop leaving Jost without any extra details.He decides to close the screen of his laptop and put aside a couple of articles that he made.


Well see you soon...Off, let's do this. Gentlemen it's time to go back to the lab, we are going tohave a special visit, and the presentation will be madeafter the visit. 

Dr.Jost and the laboratory and security teams take the vehicles to go to the museum...

Dr.Jost decides to take in the truck to follow his guards.

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