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Adeline made her way across the road and over to the other building. She reached the ladder with out seeing any walkers, that made her confused but happy. She climbed up the ladder and continued her way jumping a few buildings before it started raining. She couldn't jump while it was raining because that one only make her slip, so she would have to wait for a while for it to stop raining and for the place to dry a bit before continuing.

They rain had stopped a while ago but the place was still wet and it was getting dark out. She decided to do the reasonable thing and try to contact the group to tell them she wouldn't be back until tomorrow. She turned on her walkie talkie "hello? Can anyone hear me? Hello?" No one answered. This wasn't unusual though there has been many times that her and Glenn have gone out and not been able to contact the group.

The sun had now set and she was just going to stay on this roof for the night. She blocked of the way into the roof from  inside the building before sitting against a wall. She started drifting off to sleep and soon enough she was fully asleep. She was a light sleeper so if anything bad happens she will probably hear it and wake up.

She woke up around sunrise. The place seemed much drier so she went back to her roof hopping. She hopped a few roofs before she heard screaming. It sounded familiar like it was someone from the group. "Merle." She said with her eyes widening. Why was he screaming like that?

It sounded close, like it was only a few roofs away so she decided to continue roof hopping and she was hoping she would find him. After hopping 2 roofs she found him handcuffed to one of them.

"What the fuck happened?" She asked merle as she started walking towards him. "Just help me get out." Merle said sounding annoyed. "I'll help once you explain what happened." He told her what happened and then she helped him. It wasn't exactly how she thought she be helping him though. 

She had to cut off his hand. "Are you sure you dont want to wait? They might come back or i can go get them." Adeline sounded completely unsure of this. "Just do it." So she did it. A few seconds after she did it everything went black.

Authors note:
Hi. It's been awhile. Not since I wrote something but since I updated something. I've been on hiatus mainly because I wanted to pre write a few chapters for different books so that i can start updating books weekly. So updates for this book should be at least once a week maybe more if i feel like it. There isn't a specific day each week just any day. But yeah I'm officially off hiatus and there should be regular updates now.

Love, Ray♡

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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