Part 2

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Jungkook was currently sitting on sofa in living room where all the members were gathered and he was listening to Namjoon giving instructions about upcoming schedule of practices, promotions and concerts.

He was fidgeting his fingers when Taehyung who was sitting next to him observed this. He bent towards Jungkook so that others don't get disturbed and spoke, "what's wrong??"

Jungkook looked up in questioning look and Taehyung might have understood him, so he spoke, "It has been a week, I have observed that whenever you get nervous/anxious you do that" and he pointed towards the other's fidgeting fingers.

Jungkook realized his subconscious habit and decided to share it with him, "umm my school might be getting started soon, I don't know how to proceed to it". This made Taehyung realize how that might worry Jungkook. So he immediately spoke, "Kook, it's fine you can ask Joon hyung I am sure he won't mind". Jungkook was looking at Tae with his huge bambi eyes. Tae saw this and spoke, "should I have not addressed you as kook?" Jungkook chucked and spoke, "says the man who hugged me in first meeting".

This made Taehyung smile looking at the younger finally Chuckle and open up after a week. Taehyung was amused and spoke, "so you can speak and chuckle, I thought you only smile and fidget". This made Jungkook embarrassed and he hit Taehyung playfully which made everyone look at them as this is the first time Jungkook truly spoke or interacted with someone in the group.

Jungkook can feel everyone's gaze as them so he quickly looked down and muttered a small sorry. Everyone smiled at his behaviour and continued with the conversation.

After the conversation got over, Everyone dispersed to get food. While Jungkook got up to get food, Namjoon came near him and said, "kook, whats up?" Which made Jungkook look up with questioning look.

Joon realized and spoke, "Tae said that you wanted to talk to me about something" which made Jungkook look at Taehyung who was currently fighting with jimin on who is going to eat from other's place. Jungkook spoke, "um so hyung I have school so" and he left the sentence unfinished. Joon understood what he was trying to say and spoke, "It would be difficult for you to attend school and practices at same time, we will try and work around your school time but again this would make it difficult for you to learn steps in short duration" Jungkook just nodded and Joon soon spoke, "it's okay let's try this for a week or two and then we can decide, you finish your school schedule and come directly here and we will teach you everything and that way you won't have to miss school" Jungkook was more than happy that Namjoon was so considerate, he muttered "Thank you" and bowed and left towards Vmin.

They were still trying to steal food from eachothers plate. Jungkook stood at little distance and when vmin observed him they stopped immediately. Jungkook came bit forward and lightly hit Taehyung and said "why did you tell Joon about my school problem" Tae looked at him confused and spoke "I thought, you would thank me for talking to him on your behalf" Jungkook felt embarrassed and spoke "Thank you, but what would he think of me that I couldn't even handle this problem" Jimin looked back and forth and burst into laughter.

Tae and Kook both looked at chim as if he grew a horn. Jimin spoke in between laughs, "Even kook is enchanted by Namjoon" making Jungkook blush even more. Tae laughed out loud and spoke, "OH MY GOD, Sorry kook should have let you talk to him by yourself" Jungkook looked at them and was about to hit them when suddenly Vmin ran to get away, making Jungkook run after them. They ran after eachother and finally came to hault when all three of them were breathless.

Jungkook was slowly getting familiar with everyone. He used to go to school during morning and afternoon time. And practiced during evening and night time. He got so little time to eat and do homework. One fine evening after practice, Joon came to Jungkook, "So Jungkook how's school going". Jungkook warmed up to all the members in few weeks, he is still shy but doesn't mind getting involved in conversations with members. He smiled and spoke, "Good hyung, bit different and tiring but it's good". "Okay kook, focus on your studies as well, and if you need any help just let me know". This melted kook's heart and he warmly smiled and said "Yes hyung, of course". Jungkook went to his bed to complete the assignment.

Taehyung came to jungkook's bed with plate in his hand. Jungkook was engrossed in his work when Taehyung spoke, "Here kook, have this and then study" Jungkook looked up to him from his booked and gave bunny tooted smile. "Taehyungie", Tae was bit surprised at name but smiled nonetheless. "Here, eat something you didn't come at dinner". Jungkook looked up for a moment and spoke, "I have an important test tomorrow, I have some much left to study". "Just because Namjoon hyung said to study, I am sure he didn't mean for you to skip dinner" Tae teased Jungkook. It has been daily banter between these two. Jungkook gave an embarrassed smile and continued, "Enough with this now, I will eat in some time I just need to finish this postion".  Tae waited till he completed his studies and then reheated the food for him and waited till he completed the food. Kook's heart warmed up at this gesture by Tae.

He completed his exam, it went pretty great and surprisingly the first person he shared it with was Taehyung. Later on in the week they went on to promote the band and offering free shows and promotions. It was tiring but it was sure worth it. Jungkook was well taken care of from his 6 new family members. He is youngest of all so he gets pampered by all of them even from Vmin. They fight, play and tease each other but take care of each other as well.

Jungkook was happy with his new found family. Especially with Taehyung, how he takes care of him, how he sees that Jungkook get scared talking to people and go with him, give him reassuring smile or little pat of the back. How Taehyung makes sure he eats his food on time and not skip it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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