Meals and Fruit Explaining

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A/N: Hello, sorry that it has been so long since I have updated. I was not really depressed, and couldn't really find any motivation to write anything. But now that I am feeling more like myself I am now updating this story. I hope that y'all find this story to be just as enjoyable to read as I found it to write!


Harry's P.O.V.

I was sitting down waiting for Hulion to return with my sweet fruits that I had requested that he grab for me to eat. Knowing that I was sitting with another newer alien while I am eating, almost made me feel sick. However I held down that feeling, knowing that Byron wasn't going to judge or ridicule me at all. In fact my brain is starting to realize that not one of these aliens on this ship will hurt, ridicule, and or judge me. Coming to this realization made it all the more easier to picture myself eating with Byron.

Soon enough Hulion came back with a plate filled with all of the fruit that I had told him that I had really enjoyed. Thankfully it wasn't a big portion of food, since I still had trouble stomaching a normal amount of food. When Hulion set the plate in front of me, I immediately reached for what humans call an apple, but the aliens call durin. I always thought that it was a funny name for what we call an apple. I only really refer to it as durin when near other aliens on this ship, because only Hulion knows what I mean when I call for an apple. 

I bit into the apple, and it tasted a lot sweeter than the last time I ate one. In confusion I turned to Hulion and asked him, "Hulion why does the durin taste sweeter than it did yesterday?"

Hulion looked over at me and after comprehending what I was asking answered in a laughing voice, "Because Byron and the mappers brought back a fresh batch with them when they returned from the new planet." 

"Oh okay, that makes sense. The fresher they are the sweeter they will be. I wonder if there are other fruits that are on the new planet that would be interesting to eat? Byron, did you find any other fruit on the new planet that seemed to be edible and interesting?" I commented then asked Byron with curiosity.

"Hmm. Actually yes there was a couple that we found. Though we were not sure if they were really edible or not, so we didn't end up picking them form there trees. Would you like me to describe them to you Harry?" Byron answered with consideration and question.

"Yes please Byron. Maybe I know of them, and could identify them for you as edible or not."

"What a great idea. Well the first tree we ran into was in the hotter regions of the planet. It had long but not full leaves and underneath the leaves were these brown spherical fruit like balls. They were hind of hairy and had some dents in their outer shell. The second tree we ran into was in a more moist and cooler environment of the planet. It was sort of a orange pink color and when touched felt fuzzy on the outside. Its shell was smooth and pliable. Dented easily. looked like it had a lot of juice inside of it, but we couldn't be to sure about that while being careful. Do these remind you of anything you know of Harry?" Byron asked after he finished explaining two heavenly human delicacy's.

"Yes they do. I know what both are actually. The first you described is called a coconut. It has a very hard outer shell and its inside is white and meaty, but also has some form of watery juice that can be turned into many things to drink or to eat. The second fruit is called a peach and its inside is also as soft as its outside, except for its core or pit. The pit of a peach is super hard and almost the size of your thumb Hulion. It has wavy ridges on the pit itself. Peaches are known to have a ripe and unripe season for picking them. When in the unripe season it will be harder on the outside and not sweet and tart. When in the ripe season peaches with become softer on the outside and sweet and tart on the inside. They are both edible and really good for humans to eat. So I wouldn't be surprised if you could eat them too." I explained to Byron and Hulion, since I knew they both were interested in my answer. 

"Wow that sounds like a good investment to pick them. Harry can they be replanted?" Hulion asked me in curiosity. 

"Yes you can plant the pits of the peaches in soil to replant the tree. Though it may take a while to form a peach tree. I think you should be able to uproot them and replant them, but it would have to be quick because the roots of the peach tree are delicate. As for the coconut trees. I think that uprooting and replanting would be the best option for that specific type of tree." I answered Hulion as best as I could with what I remembered form while earth still had those specific trees and food. 

"Well that's good to know. I will let Captain Tukin know about that and ask if he wants me to have anyone do anything like that with those trees when we reach the planet's surface." Byron spoke while getting up from his seat at the mess hall bench table.

"Okay. I will see and talk to you later Byron! Have fun talking with Captain Tukin." I called out happily to Byron as he waved goodbye to me and Hulion.  

A/N: I am sorry that this is so short. But at least it is an update! I will try and write more in the next chapter when they finally land and start to explore the new planet.


Harry Potter the Master of None (Adopted Version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin