Ch 9 || Prison.

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I hear leaves crunching behind me and I turn to find Professor Dumbledore walking over to me.

"Y/N? Why are you out here dear?" He walks over to me and somehow a chair pops out of nowhere and he sits down.

"I- I just yelled at my dad.. and I can't go back there- I can't face him." I start to cry and he pats my shoulder.

"Y/N it's not safe out here though.."

"I don't care, I'd rather be out here than inside where everyone hates me."

"Oh Y/N.. no body hates you.."

"Yes they do!"

"You only think that they do, but they just care.."

"So caring means snooping around my room and telling my dad on me?"

"Well, yes.."

"I don't like it. I don't want it."

"We all need people to care for us Y/N."

"But I don't want people to care for me!"

"Not even your father?"

"He's not my father. I mean- he is but.. I feel like he's not.."

"Ah.. Erm.. explain further?"

"He just- I don't know.. he always takes advice and listens to people but never listens to my side of the story. He listens to people who don't even know what's going on."

"You should tell him that."

"He won't listen!"

"Make him, then."


"Well.." he sighs as he try's to think. "Take him to the astronomy tower, he'll listen to you there."

"How do you know?"

"Because I used to take him up there to talk to him when he wouldn't listen. He gets lost in the nature, the lake.. that he just, listens."

I sigh. "I'll try.."

"Good, now let's get you back inside, yes?" he gets off the chair and it disappears and I raise an eyebrow. He chuckles softly and offers me his hand to help me up "It's magic, Y/N."

I smile and take his hand. "Yes, yes I suppose it is.." once i'm up off the ground I let go of his hand and we start to walk towards the castle in silence listening to the animals in the forest and the leaves crunching beneath our feet.

Once we get back inside, he walks me to my dad's office and knocks. "Come in." we hear a voice say and he pushes open the door. "Ah, headmaster, to what do I owe the pleasure?" My father asks with a hint of concern.

"I just came to return something of yours." he says gesturing to me.

"Y/N! Where did you go?" He runs and hugs me.

"Th- the lake.."

"Y/N! you shouldn't be out there alone!"

"I'm sorry.."

He sighs "Off to bed, now."

I look at Dumbledore who nods at me. "Father can we talk..?" I ask in a shaky voice.

He looks at me with concern "What's wrong dear?" he asks patting my shoulder.

"Can we walk?"


"Good night Remus, Y/N." Dumbledore nods to both of us.

"Good night Headmaster." me and my dad say at the same time and he walks away.

"Where are we going?"

"Just common." I say and he sighs but follows me.

Once we get to the astronomy tower I sigh "Y/N, why are we up here?"

"Because, it's the only place that you'll listen to me.." I say looking over the castle and he walks closer.

"Y/N.. that's not true.."

"Yes it is.. You listen to everyone except me. You believe everyone except me."


"Listen to me! I don't sneak out. Okay? I've been.. I've been in the library every night studying.. and I don't get back until morning because I fall asleep on accident. Okay?" I say attempting to lie. I hope it sounded convincing enough-

"Oh Y/N.. why don't you ask me for help?"

"Because I'm 17! I want to do stuff on my own!"

"Y/N I know but.. I'm your father.."

"I need to learn dad! with out your help!"

He sighs and looks at me with soft sad eyes "Alright.. But you're still grounded."


We walk to his office and I get into pajamas and plop down on the couch. "Night dad"

"Night dear."

I stare at the ceiling for a bit until I drift off to sleep. When I wake up and look at the time. It's 10:30 am. Oh yeah.. It's Saturday. I get off the couch and put my slippers on. I yawn and then walk into the kitchen finding a small piece of paper sitting on the counter. I open it and begin to read.


You were sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to wake you. I have a meeting with some of the teachers and then I'm going to the store. Stay in the room. I locked the doors and windows with a powerful spell that only I know how to break, so don't try anything.

Love, Your father

I roll my eyes and put the paper down. Great. What am I supposed to do? I walk around the room looking for something to do but I can't find anything. I walk into the bathroom and start the water. Maybe a nice bath will work?

Once the tub fills, I put some bubbles in it and get in sitting down slowly letting the warm water consume me. I lay my head back and sit in peace thinking about things.

I decide I'm done when the water is becoming coldish. I get out and dry off and put new clothes on. I walk out and grab an apple off of the counter and wash it.

Do we have any books that I haven't read.. I look around but I don't find one so I plop down on the couch and sigh. I'm literally in a fucking prison.

I find a tennis ball on the floor. I have no idea what so ever why we even have a tennis ball but what ever. I start throwing it up and down catching it when finally I hear the door open. I sit up and see my dad with a bag full of food.

"Ah Y/N, you're awake." he says putting the food on the counter. "Mhm." I say with a sigh

"What's wrong?"

"I miss my friends."

"Y/N you did this to yourself.."

"I know but it's not fair!"

"I told you what would happen and you did it anyway Y/N!"

"Can't you just let me go?"

"No! I'm sorry but I can't."

"God so I'm your prisoner now?"

"No, Y/N, you're not. but you gave me no other choice."

I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes, you knew what would happen."

"Fine. But can I get a new book?"

He sighs "What book?"

"I don't know.. Can you pick one out?"

"Sure. I'll be back.."

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