Shattered x Blue

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Just a warning before the story starts!
This story has dark themes like murder in it.

This oneshots is inspired by a roblox game 'Color or Die' I do not own any of the characters, games, pictures unless stated.

Blue often liked exploring but he knew certain abandoned buildings were dangerous so he chose not to go near some of the buildings.

It was, Blue’s 20th birthday party and they had all decided to play truth or dare so they all sat in a circle. Many of, Blue’s friends were there like: Ink, Dream, Carrot, Classic plus a few of Carrots friends which he had invited without asking anybody at all.

Once they were all sat down in the circle, Blue got to start the game so he thought of something “Ink! Truth or Dare?” Blue spoke with a smile obviously enjoying his party so far even though the cake and presents were gonna be done at the end of the party. “Uh..Truth?” Ink shrugged as he answered and Blue began to think of something he could ask, Ink “Do you have a crush on anybody in this room?” Blue asked and Ink shook his head as in a no “Nope!” Ink answered, simply.

After a few more rounds of daring people to do things and asking people Blue got asked Truth or Dare by just one of, Carrots friends and, Blue thought about it for a second before deciding to take a risk so he wouldn’t be called a scaredy cat “I choose, Dare!” Blue said with a proud look on his face. Darryl was the name of the human who had asked the question so he thought for a second before getting a wicked idea since on the news we’ll more like a random news article which was probably spamming fake news about anything it could think of. “I’ve heard about this abandoned hospital and luckily it’s not to far from here so I dare you to go inside and stay inside for at least 10 minutes!” Darryl spoke with a grin.

Carrot was obviously displeased at the idea of this but, Blue seemed, excited about the idea and was trying to get, Carrot on board “No. I’m not letting my bro go down into..that weird hospital I’ve heard about people just randomly going missing in there and he is not about to make that missing people count go up to 11.” Carrot protested not wanting to risk anything. Blue frowned “Come on, Carrot! It’ll be fun plus I know what to expect! I’ve explored lots of abandoned places it’ll be fine!” Blue, reassured Carrot. Soon a bunch of others were reassuring, Carrot aswell and trying to convince him and finally, Carrot gave in and agreed to drive them to the hospital since we’ll it was still a 35 minute drive and an hour walk well maybe a 45 minute walk if you’re fast enough but well..they didn’t really wanna walk all the way considering it was kind of rainy and pitch black outside. Plus, Carrot was the only one who had managed to get their drivers license yet.

~1 hour later~

Blue sighed in relief once they finally got out of the stuffy car since the car wasn’t the best.. and it took even longer than 35 minutes since we’ll considering the fact they all had to get their shoes on and make sure they had snacks and water and juice for the small trip to the hospital.

Everybody else had stayed in the car as, Blue had finally gotten out of the car once he had gotten his jacket on because it was still pouring down. “Remember don’t chicken out!” Darryl yelled out the car window as, Blue began walking in the mud towards the hospital. “Alright.. If I take to long just wait on me!” Blue yelled back since they had to yell so they would be heard over the rain. Plus he was bound to be gone for a little extra time because this mud would surely slow him down with how muddy it was and it wasn’t even dry mud either.

Once, Blue had finally made it to the entrance of the hospital he frowned since there appeared to be a lock on the door and a barred wire as well so nobody could get in but he wasn’t a quitter! Blue quickly began looking for any smashed windows and once he found one he hoisted himself up being mindful of all the glass that was inside due to the window being smashed.

Once, Blue finally got inside the hospital he took his jacket hood off and his jacket was soaked so he, frowned but he decided it didn’t really matter since when did a little bit of water ever hurt anyone?

The hospital was eerily, silent except for the usual sounds of a cricket and the soft Pitter patter of rain. Hospital carts were knocked over onto the floor along with some needles that held an unknown substance.. Blue decided to stay far away from those needles. The hospital hallways were dark so, Blue had to shine his phone flashlight through the building but his phone was only on 20% since he had been having so much fun at the party he had forgotten to charge it even if he was told he should or at least bring a portable charger when they went to the hospital. Sometimes if, Blue got lucky a hospital light would flicker just a bit and it wouldn’t leave him in complete darkness for at least a few mere seconds although it was a bit, creepy it did give him some proper lightning to look around since his phone torch wasn’t that great.

Blue came to a part of the hospital that the whole floor was torn out and there was only a single slim beam that looked, stable enough to support, Blue’s weight. As, Blue peered down into the hole he saw.. nothing if he fell the hole seemed to go on for ages and he was kind of, Confused since well the hospital didn’t seem like it had a basement but it must have apparently.

Blue also had an alarm set on his phone for 15 minutes to let him know he stayed for too long so as, Blue balanced and began to shuffle over the beam and wobbling occasionally.. Suddenly an alarm sounded out from, Blue’s phone which spooked him since he hadn’t realised the time and, Blue slipped since some of the rain water had leaked through the roof and onto the beam and as, Blue fell into the hole he tried to grip onto the beam so he wouldn’t fall to his almost certain death he lost grip as he gripped onto a part that had water.

Blue’s life flashed before his eyes all the way down to his first steps and he squeezed his eyes shut as he fell and he had yelled out for help expecting somebody to just be there to save him “H-HELPP!” Blue had yelled at the top of his lungs as the darkness swallowed him up.

In the car

Carrot had frowned when the 10 minutes were up and, Blue had not returned and he had quickly zipped his jacket back up and put the hoodie up prepared to go in and get, Blue but, Darryl stopped, Carrot “Come on! Just relax!~ I’m sure he is fine. Remember what he said? If he takes to long just wait on him. If he takes longer than like 30 minutes we can go in and search if you truly want too!” Darryl insisted. Carrot felt like something was wrong in his soul but he trusted, Darryl’s judgement and nodded slowly and relaxed as he just put on an alarm for 30 more minutes.

In the basement

Blue had passed out from fear of dying but when he woke up he was.. rather, confused. It seemed like he had fallen into a pool of water? Luckily he had managed to wake up because of the water seeping into his clothing and boots. Blue had to ditch his boots because they were to heavy and he needed to get out of the pool of water before he drowned.

Blue choked out some water after rolling onto the edge of the pool and he took in some large deep breaths of much needed air. Blue coughed a bit more before taking in where he was and water dripped from the ceiling slightly and the lights looked busted but there was some natural light leaking in from the ceiling of the basement.. somehow? Blue had thought all the lights had been busted but he guessed he was wrong. Blue then heard heavy breathing and quickly looked around the room to identify where the breathing was coming from “H-Hello?! Is anybody there..?” Blue had asked and he got no response.

Blue quickly looked around the room more and it seemed the pool of water had been put there, deliberately and there was a bunch of glass shards on the floor along with a few doctors coats.. which was a little odd but he supposed it was a hospital so they could’ve kept the extra coats down here. Blue then saw a button..? It appeared to open and close bars which kept the room safe? Blue was so, confused because it said ‘Safe-Zone’ next to the button like in a video game!

Somebody then tapped, Blue on the shoulder and he had screamed and spun around but breathed a sigh of relief when he realised it just looked like a vlogger? “Oh my god.. I haven’t seen somebody else in so long!” The vlogger had practically yelled and their voice sounded a bit strange probably due to not talking for awhile. The vlogger introduced themselves as ‘Lily’ and, Blue also introduced himself “Um.. Lily was it? Do you know where we are?” Blue asked with a frown and then remembered about his phone so quickly dug it out of his pocket while talking to, Lily but the screen was cracked and it wouldn’t turn on due to the water getting inside of the phone.

“Well.. I know there is a way out of here but I’m not quite sure where we are.. But I think this is kind of like a video game! I’ll tell you what I know.. So there used to be this other person here and they explained this to me. So trust me on this I’m not delusional.. There is a monster down here with tentacles and all that! And we have to find the tools to unlock things and also keys to the doors and then there will be a final key to open the door to the hospital so we can get out of here! But.. the catch is that this monster will be hunting us down and the only place we are safe is we’ll if we can lock one of the doors with the keys behind us when we get into one of the rooms or in the safe-zone.. Which is where we are currently.” Lily soon stopped talking and took in deep long breaths of air since she had tried to say all of that in one breath.

Blue went through a mix of emotions before beginning to giggle “Mwheheh! Don’t tell me you believed that? I’m sorry, Miss lily but..a monster? That’s unbelievable. I kinda think you might wanna just go out there and get some actual water. It seems like you’ve been drinking the pool water..” Blue trailed off at the end as his face scrunched up in disgust since the pool water was murky and obviously, filthy.

Lily, frowned “I’m not lying! It is out there.. I’m not going out there. But you can go out on your own terms. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.. I’ll be closing the door after you..” Lily muttered under her breath obviously sick from how many times people have yelled at her for lying to them when they fell down here. Blue sighed but, Lily had scared him a tiny bit but that didn’t stop him so he pressed the button and a quiet buzzing sound was heard as the bars from the door opened up and, Blue stepped out and then the bars slammed close behind him and he looked behind him and saw, Lily who had pressed the button..

Blue didn’t have any idea why, Lily had a problem with him. Blue realised the basement was like a maze there was all kinds of twists and turns at each corner.. Blue just kept going onward to find well something but all he came across was a hammer? There was a note attached it read ‘Maybe you could smash a brick wall with this?’ and, Blue guessed he had to find a brick wall so he hoisted the hammer up with only some difficulties but it wasn’t that bad since he was quite fit.

Blue then heard some ominous music coming closer and closer as it got, louder something in, Blue’s mind told him to hide so that’s exactly what, Blue did.. Blue quickly went around the corner and peeked down the hallway which he had just come from and at the very end of the hallway he saw.. a slimy looking octopus? It had black goop on itself that had an outline of a color that represented gold and it wore a small crown atop its head and it had 4 jarring tentacles upon its back as its eye light turned towards the corridor that, Blue had went down and, Blue covered his mouth to calm his breathing so whatever that thing was couldn’t hear him as, Blue had quickly stopped peeking around the corner so the monster wouldn’t see him.

After about 3-5 minutes the music then vanished meaning the monster was gone and, Blue was shook to his core.. Blue then realised, Lily would never open that safe-zone for him again to help him after he didn’t believe her.. Blue then got up, slowly and quietly and uncovered his mouth just incase the monster was still lurking around the corner.
Blue then rushed down the hallway that he was planning on going down the opposite direction of the hallway the monster had went down and and, Blue was full on jogging since he had to be mindfully of how loudly his steps could be if he was running and, Blue was just skimming the walls for a brick wall and after about 5 minutes he found a brick wall! Blue’s luck seemed to be alright well for now anyway. Blue then froze when he remembered something since he had no idea how he was gonna break this wall if the monster was around since it could have super sonic hearing or something! Blue decided to take a risk since he could sprint away after he broke the wall and, Blue heaved the hammer up above his head and slammed it into the brick wall and it didn’t quite break but after the 3rd swing the wall was collapsing a proud grin flashed on, Blue’s face for a second before he remembered his situation so, Blue skimmed the room that was beyond the brick wall not having enough time to take the details into account as he just skimmed the room for tools and soon found a screwdriver!

Blue was already racing back down a new hallway when the monster arrived to the brick wall and investigated the room and took in the scent of the person that used to be here.. The monsters name was, Shattered and, Shattered used to be a normal human just like, Blue but the stupid doctors and scientists in the hospital kept saying he was insane.. crazy because of the attachments he would form and how fast he was to attack anybody he didn’t know. They were the ONES WHO HAD DONE THIS TO HIM. DESTINED HIM TO LIVE FOREVER. TO NEVER SEE HIS FAMILY OR FRIENDS AGAIN. Shattered missed his family.. even if they wouldn’t visit as much as they did when he was in the hospital room and not a weird room.

The weird room was cushioned and was all white all around and he had giant soft cubes on his hand so he couldn’t bring any harm to himself or others.. But.. then the scientists had came to ‘fix’ him but they injected him with something and all he could think about was how badly it hurt.. as goop flooded out his eye sockets and mouth til he was covered in it and when tentacles pierced out of his back that was the worst part.. He killed everybody in that weird room and had destroyed it so nobody would be able to make him sit in the weird room and suffer in silence EVER AGAIN.

Shattered sniffed the air again, confused he smelt blueberries and sugar? Shattered hadn’t had any real food in forever well he didn’t necessarily have to eat anything but he liked to since it made him feel human. Unfortunately for the humans the only food down there was THEM so they got killed by, Shattered and the last sound they heard was the pop that sounded like a balloon that had popped but was being covered as their lungs were popped open by, Shattered as he drank the blood as if it were red wine coloured as blood. Shattered kept the scent in his mind as he wandered around the halls waiting.. lurking to make somebody his next meal.

Blue was, relieved since it didn’t seem like the monster was coming after him so he went on an adventure to find where this screwdriver went.. Then, Blue realised he had seen a vent somewhere! But the thing was he didn’t know if the vent could be opened with this type of screwdriver and.. it was near the safe-zone about where he had seen the vent. Blue decided to try and circle back around since he couldn’t go back down the hallway! The monster was down there..

~In the Car~

“Alright.. So what if he is running a tiny bit late than he usually is with exploring places! I’m sure he just got caught up while looking at something!” Darryl suggested. Papyrus blankly stared at, Darryl “So.. While My bro could be dead for all we know.. You are saying he just got caught up? I’m done. I’m going in and YOU Dont have a choice I’m the only one with a drivers license!” Carrot yelled at, Darryl and Darryl rolled his eyes as, Carrot got out of the car and went down the path towards the hospital but when he peeked into the window he gulped now feeling like he was being watched.. Carrot was back in the car within a minute “On second thought.. Maybe he is fine? I bet he just needs a bit more time!” Carrot, chuckled nervously since he was, scared to go in because what if the cameras still worked? Then he would get caught trespassing as well! And he did not need that on his record with a few others things already on his record. Darryl grinned as he pulled out a cigarette to light “Knew you’d be back.” Darryl rolled his eyes.

~In the basement~

Blue was currently trying to screw the cover off the vents and when he had walked past the safe-zone earlier he had heard, Lily mocking him but he didn’t give her the satisfaction of acknowledging her so he had walked past her in complete silence.

The music picked up a little bit and it was just, Shattered and he had tried to get into the safe-zone to Lily plenty of times since he had formed an attachment to anybody that came down here but sometimes he just.. wanted to feel human again so he ate them most of the time. Shattereds head had snapped towards where he heard the vent cover come off and he raced towards the noise and he smelt that sickingly sweet smell of blueberries and sugar once more and he saw, Blue going into the vent and he lunged towards him and Blue had screamed and shuffled into the vent, further but it was quite a tight fit since the vent was tight. Shattered frowned as he tried to reach his hand and tentacles in to grab, Blue but he couldn’t reach him “Come.. out. Please.. I miss talking to people I just want a friend.. please. I want my friends.. back or.. just a friend.” Shattered had cried when, Blue began shuffling away.

Blue was, hesitant to leave, Shattered since we’ll if he got onto his good side then he wouldn’t have to worry about being chased! But.. the thing was that, Shattered didn’t seem mentally stable and that’s was scared him..

Blue coughed as decades worth of ‘dust’ had got into his lungs and he nearly threw up with how much he coughed. ‘Ugh.. I think I nearly suffocated with how much dust there was.. I hope there was no spiders in here..’ Blue thought to himself since we’ll if there was spiders in here and he got out and saw them he would probably be screaming at the top of his lungs.

Blue’s face scrunched up in disgust as he came across a cobweb but he could just barely see the dull shine of a key beyond the spider Web so he wrecked the spider Web and quickly grabbed the key and then shuffled through the vents til he got to the vent, Shattered had burn at.. Shattered was not there. It seemed like he had left a bit ago to find another way to get to, Blue.

Blue hoped if, Shattered came back he would think he was still in the vent then he paused as he passed the safe-zone.. Blue frowned but he guessed she had it coming but, Blue guessed she had been mocking, Shattered since we’ll the bars on the safe-zone door were all bent and split with sheer force and there was, Lily in a pool of her own blood but all her organs and insides were gone.. and her head was split so it looked like her skull had been crushed open and the brain was gone and, Blue shivered when he saw the back of, Lily’s eyes from inside her head and he quickly ran off to go and find where this key went.

After about 30 minutes of walking, Blue was starting to get, Exhausted as his adrenaline finally started to evaporate into nothing. Blue had been up many halls that all looked the same so, Blue believed he was going in a big circle but then he saw stairs and at the top of the stairs were a large door and there was a keyhole that resembled the key he was holding.

Blue had brightened up and he decided when he got out of here and when he went home he was gonna not explore any other abandoned buildings for quite some time. Blue began rushing up the stairs but rushed to cover his ears with a yelp when all of a sudden the ominous music was blasting in his ears and he had dropped the key in surprise and he turned around to try pick up the key but he saw, Shattered rushing down the hall.

Blue, screamed “H-HELP! BROTHER ARE YOU THERE?!” Blue yelled as he picked up the key and rushed to the door but he struggled to put the key into the key hole and those cruel few milliseconds that had been wasted looking up at, Shattered were what caught him as, Shattered toppled up on top of him as, Blue struggled to push, Shattered off of him “YOU ARENT LEAVING! I WONT LET YOU LEAVE LIKE MY FAMILY!” Shattered yelled so loud that spit was coming out of his mouth.

When, Blue kept struggling and attempted to kick, Shattered off, Shattered got, furious and soon, Blue went still as his eyes slowly became lifeless as a tentacle had pierced through, Blue’s stomach and when, Blue went completely still, Shattered held him, carefully “I’ll take care of you.. forever and ever.. Even if it is just your corpse that remains..” Shattered spoke in a mete whisper.

~4 Days Later~

Carrot could be seen sobbing behind the police tape stopping him from barging into the hospital as multiple dead bodies were rolled out in black bags on stretchers.

Darryl could be seen just staring at the hospital before he just turned and walked off.

The police had searched the hospital from the top to the bottom and had found.. nothing til they got to the basement at least. There was piles upon piles of bodies all over the place and all of them were missing either their lungs , hearts , or their brains..

Shattered and Blue’s bodies were not recovered alive or dead.

A few miles away in the woods there was a pile of 3 brains , 4 pairs of lungs , 1 heart

Shattered would eat the brains of the people he hated as he believed it gave him their knowledge.

Shattered would eat the lungs of people he hated so he could have their stamina.

Shattered would eat the hearts of people he cherished so he could carry their love with him for all, eternity.


Carrot was allowed to see, Blue’s body since he wanted to see it to confirm. Carrot had started having a full on break down when he saw the gaping wound in, Blue’s chest but there was one thing that, Carrot was most upset about.. Blue’s heart was gone and so was the brotherly love he felt for, Carrot and all the love he felt for all his friends and he wouldn’t be getting buried as a whole since he was missing 1 part of him.. the most important part of them all.

A Heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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