𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠

Comenzar desde el principio

I am so deeply absorbed in Harper's words that I completely ignore the rising volume of my own cries. Lost in my distress, the closet door suddenly swings open, causing me to startle. Taylor rushes over to me, dressed only in a sports bra and the same sweatpants that were draped over my legs just the week before.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" Taylor asks softly, kneeling beside me while I remain sprawled out on the floor. Passing my phone to Taylor, I bury my face in my arms, unable to contain the overwhelming flood of tears. My sobs show no sign of subsiding as I wait anxiously for what feels like an eternity for Taylor to read the message.

"Oh my goodness," she utters breathlessly. Even without seeing her expression, I can sense the shock from Harper's words. As Taylor settles down beside me, her attention fully focused on me and my emotional well-being, there is a brief silence that seems to stretch on.

Intrigued, I raise my tear-stained face from my arms to find Taylor engrossed in typing on my phone. 

"Taylor, stop!" my voice breaks as I yell at her. I reach out to retrieve my phone but she swiftly evades, standing up and moving away from me.

"Don't," she states firmly, a simmering intensity evident in her eyes. Her fingers tap away on the screen, intent on conveying a message. Desperate to stop her, I try to snatch my phone back, only to be met with her sharp rebuke.

"RAIN!" Taylor interrupts with a tinge of frustration in her tone. "Stop this right now!" Her finger pointing directly at me, she resumes her typing, causing me to sob even harder under the weight of her unexpected anger. Questions swirl in my mind. Why is she so furious with me?

"Why are you so angry with me?" I cry out to her in exasperation. With an eye roll, Taylor strides away with my phone still tightly gripped in her hand. Frustrated and hurt, I shout after her as she exits the room. Slamming the door shut, I slump against its surface, overcome by a wave of uncontrollable sobs. The ache in my heart matched by the emotinal storm within me.

I slowly rise up from the floor, the weight of my emotions pushing me to begin pacing around her room. Initially, my overwhelming sorrow transforms into a deep sense of frustration that engulfs me.

 As I move back and forth in the confined space, I focus on taking in sharp breaths, my anger peircing through each inhale and exhale. In a moment of impulsiveness, I clutch onto my hair with a firm grip, letting out a piercing scream that escapes my lips. It's a dizzying spiral of events that have brought me to this breaking point. 

First, a huge fight with my best friend, which spiraled into a bitter fallout and a shift of alliances that shook me to my core. The stinging words echoing in my mind - ugly, skinny, a bitch - cutting deeper than any physical pain ever could. And then the ultimate blow - the suggestion to end it all by killing myself. The betrayal runs deep, and now, even Taylor, my only of hope in this chaos, seems to be pissed with me. The uncontrollable sobs escape from me, flooding the room with raw emotion until my breath catches in my throat, sending me into a panic. The fear of a panic attack grips me, suffocating any rational thought. The realization sets in that reaching out to Taylor seems impossible, because she hates me right now.  

I give up on attempting to soothe my own emotions and opt to reach out to Taylor for support. I am convinced that if I call out to her, she will come to my aid. 

"Taylor!" I shout out urgently, but there is no immediate response. "Taylor! Taylor, I cant catch my breath!" I pause, my heart pounding, until the sound of hurried footsteps approaching the room echoes in my ears. The door nudges open, and Taylor rushes over to my side with a look of concern on her face. 

"Taylor," I whimper, my frustration and anger dissipating into a wave of overwhelming sadness and vulnerability. "Please, don't hate me," I manage to convey through sobs before collapsing to the ground, tears streaming down my face. Suddenly, I sense myself being lifted off the floor, and as I lift my gaze, I see Taylor's reassuring presence. My legs make their way around her waist and my arms around her neck.

 I bury my head against her shoulder, clinging to her as she envelops me in a comforting embrace. She cradles me gently, rocking back and forth, whispering soothing words in my ear to quiet my tears.

 "Shh, I'm here," she reassures me softly. "Darling, I deeply regret raising my voice at you. I was just so angry and shocked by what Harper said to you. My anger was directed towards Harper, not at you. I couldn't beileve the hurtful words Harper said to you. Although I knew you preferred a different approach, I felt it was most important to confront her for your sake. I promise I didn't say anything you wouldn't have approved of, and I could never ever hate you. I hope you can accept my apology. I love you so much. I am so sorry for causing you to panic and I should have stayed by your side to provide comfort." Her words wash over me, easing my sorrow and filling me with a sense of security as I bask in Taylor's presence. 

"I'm sorry too, I shouldnt have yelled at you. I love you more than words can express," I murmur against her neck, feeling a sense of peace wash over me in her embrace.


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