Labyrinth of Love🫶🏻

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The way she looks at him
Filled with affection and inclination,
Hey eyes utter her words just by a stare
Lost in the maze of his enchanting smile
Navigating The path of love in his embrace,
Trying to win the race
Where he was also finding his way
To come out of her labyrinth gaze......

But something different was written in their fate,
A twist unseen, a turn too late.
For as they danced in each other's eyes, A storm brewed beneath the skies.
Destiny's hand, a fickle game,
Led them apart, their hearts aflame. Though parted now, their love held tight,

In memories cherished, through day and night.
Yet hope persists, a flicker of light,
Perhaps one day, their paths unite.
Till then they wander, in separate ways, But,
love endures, through nights and days.


Hello guys ,i hope ur enjoying the poem pls show ur affection and support through vote so that I'll get some encouragement to write more poems and comment ur views 🥹🫶🏻

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